How are Forida Loan signing Agents adding the New , Required Verbiage in their Acknowledgements & Jurats...regarding the Physical presence or Online Notarization requirement?!

How are Forida Loan signing Agents adding the New , Required Verbiage in their Acknowledgements & Jurats…regarding the Physical presence or Online Notarization requirement?!

For an ack the wording would be as follows:

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me _____ via physical presence or _____ via online notarization this ______ day of _______________ 20___ by ______________________________________ who is personally known to me or who provided __________________________________ as identification

For a jurat, just insert " _____ via physical presence or _____ via online notarization" somewhere in the cert.

If you have a preprinted cert on a document, I think you’d be okay to just add at the end of the verbiage “Acknowledged (or sworn to) before me via physical presence”. As long as it’s somewhere in there you should be okay

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Or you can get a stamp made stating “_____ via physical presence or ______ via online notarization” and stamp that near your signature and notary stamp…I personally would just print it in at the end of the cert verbiage.


Thank U !! I was thinking along those Lines, but it being Brand New I wanted to inquire! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you too…

Make sure you read the new guidebook in the “law” section here - there are other changes too - like copy certifications…download the pdf and keep it handy

Ok, I’ll look for it, Thanks again~

They have to have both choices and the notary checks the one that applies. You CAN NOT add the verbiage, that will be considered as altering the certificate. Called the State twice and that’s what they tokd me. There are some companies telling the notaries to write that the borrowers physically appeared. You need to add your own certificate if the verbiage is not on the document. I ask for an additional $15 to do that.

If the form does not have the current verbiage, I have my own state-specific acknowledgment and jurat forms which can be downloaded from the NNA and attached to the form. I carry several extra copies in my notary bag.