Mileage tracking app

Does anyone have a recommendation, and why?

I use my tripometer in my vehicle…set it to 0 when I leave and record the mileage when I get home…also should record mileage on first of year and on last day of year

Track mileage for tax purposes - same reason you record beginning of year and end of year mileage - for tax purposes

I use Quicken software to keep a record of and calculate my mileage

Thanks Linda. I was hoping for a “high tech” solution, but yours seems bulletproof. I had been saving my trip odometer for monthly records, but your solution seems bulletproof low tech. You just need to remember t do it.

I should clarify my answer - if I’m only doing one job I use the tripometer; if doing back to back jobs then I enter them individually in Quicken later and keep a running tally there - point A (home) to job B, then mileage from B to C, C to D - etc etc. I rarely did back to back jobs here where I am - there was always a sufficient gap for me.

Your mileage may vary.