NotaryGo is anyone working with them?

They called me this morning around 930 for a HELOC, 50-60 pages and no faxbacks for 55.00. I countered with my fee and they finally gave it to me around 7pm. This was after a couple of phone calls in the afternoon telling me that they were waiting for approval (yeah, right.) Anyway, I was told docs were on the portal. I sign into my account and can’t find them. I call the scheduler and while waiting for an answer, POOF! The appointment disappears from my schedule. She answers and I tell her I don’t see the docs to which she replies, “Oh, that was cancelled.” Not long after hanging up, I receive a second confirmation for the same signing, except this one wants full faxbacks. I think they finally found someone to do it cheaper and they sent me the second confirmation by mistake.

Ok I was trying to make sure I’m not crazy. They send me assignments for $40 to go to a town that is about an hour away.


I just UnInstalled the APP of cell phone and put the email on spam list and my hotmail inbox rule filter to move it to spam or other folder “DISREGARD”… Who wants to work for these fees. I expect to be also paid decent fee and fast ( 15 days wait is max ) in my opinion. Escrow companies cuts check right away upon settlement. SO whats the problem with notary services to wait for so long?


so quick question. What is the name of the notarygo ap? I just searched for it in the app store and couldn’t find it under “notarygo”. They call me frequently. Here lately it’s for a bunch of debt res packages that I won’t do. I have yet to accept an assignment from them due to the low fees. Most of the time I wouldn’t consider walking to the neighbor’s house for what they’re paying. I’m considering downloading the app to reject assignments to keep from getting the phone calls? Thoughts? Thank you in advance!

Wouldn’t it be easier to just block their number?

Ha Ha Linda! I can’t say you’re not right! That’s a great suggestion. But on the off chance it’s something that resembles decent, I might not want to do that. At least with the app, I could choose to answer or not. But I must admit, blocking makes the most sense.

“SO whats the problem with notary services to wait for so long?”

Among other things, if they have a staff of schedulers and a bookkeeper to pay, where do you think they get the money to pay them from? Yes…from the 50% or more that they take off the top of OUR fees. Then of course, the owner needs to be paid too, no? Probably more than the others combined. So instead of paying us, they pay themselves. There’s no need to get into all of the other expenses they encounter along the way. You get the idea. They hold on to OUR money as long as they can to pay their own overhead. It’s sickening!

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I have taken about 15 jobs with Notary Go over the past 18 months. In the beginning they ask for faxbacks, especially for the first five signings. After you have established that you don’t make errors you get the assignments without the necessity to scanback anything. I rarely accept their fee unless it is nearby and I have no other jobs lined up or if it is next to another job and I can handle both with one trip. This halves my mileage expense. If the job site is out of my range I will ask for more money before I accept the job. Once I have the job, if the package (on a refi) is more than 130 pages I ask for more money. I have never dealt with anyone rude at NotaryGo, and they have always paid. What is annoying is that they track everything you do starting with a confirmation that you have arrived at your appointment! Then they send you another prompt asking if it closed or not. Learning how to use their app takes some time but after a while it’s really not a problem. Lately it seems like some of the booking agencies are downgrading their fees which has me looking towards less dependence on loan closings for my livelihood.

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I agree; I work for NotaryGo consistently, and have no issues at all, they keep me busy too!

I work with them monthly. I mainly receive orders for applications, debt resolution, and annuities. They have been keeping me busy and they pay net 30 - net 45. Always very helpful and when I receive an alert it is assigned to me, unlike some other companies. They will also negotiate their fees.

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Notary Go is a joke. They blocked me for no reason. Still can’t figure it out why because they won’t tell me and they won’t fix the problem. They sent me a lot of work, which i appreciated, but now they won’t reinstate me. has anyone else had that happen.

They will pay you a little less than you want but I average $100. per signing with them and they pay on time.

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They are good for training new NSA’s

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LOVE NOTARY GO! I ONLY do Cash Out’s for them! Great payers as well

I actually got an assignment request from them a few days ago, but it was out of my time slot and area.

I’d suggest not writing them off without asking for more, first. I almost always counter those low offers with what is acceptable to me and maybe 1 out of 5-10 pays off. I also think that to consistently counter those low offers with a reasonable rate sends a message (hopefully) as to what they should be offering. I did my first assignment with Notarygo last night. They offered $40 and I replied that I could for $100. They called maybe 30 minutes later and accepted that rate. It was only about 20 pages, too… sort of last minute but it worked out for me. They were very nice to work with. I might not have my counter-offers accepted often, but I’m glad to work with nice people who pay a fair amount and are reliable in paying on time AND get docs to you in plenty of time.


I’ve been a Signing Agent now for 2 1/2 years, and NotaryGo was the first company I did work for. I read all the replies to this question. And I can definitely see where these Notaries are coming from. So know this is my experience with them. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong for any other Signing Agent out there. Yes, they offer low fees. But you don’t have to take that Signing or any Signing from any company if you don’t want to work for what they offer. However, I have never once encountered anyone rude or unpleasant at NotaryGo and they negotiate often with me now. Yes, I took a lot of Signings for $60 as a brand new Signing Agent, and I am not sorry I did. I got a lot of experience and now I frequently get calls direct from them. If it’s a fee I can live with, I take it. If not, I tell them my bottom line. I probably get my stated fee 1 or 2 times out of 4 or 5 calls, and that’s fine. They pay like clockwork on the last day of the month or the first day of the following month. And yes, you are typically being paid 31 to 59 days after the Signing, but since I get paid by them every single month, I don’t feel the “hurt” from it. Regular as clockwork I get a check. I don’t do as much business as I used to with them, but that’s only because now I have several companies who pay higher fees and I can pick and choose more. But I won’t bite the hand that has fed me many many months because no one held a gun to my head and made me take their Signings. You can’t always start at the top.


I’ve been doing this for 25 years and have worked infrequently with NotaryGo (or whatever they were calling themselves) since 2005 because they do pay. Yes, they are slow pay, but my objective is to keep the ‘pay pipeline’ full.
My fees have ranged from $100 to $225 (most recent). My point is they do pay a good fee, but only when they HAVE to.
Problem, of course, is they usually can find some newb who will do it for $60, but when they can’t, they pay me $225. When you’ve been around as long as I have, you will have mostly fast, good paying companies who keep you fairly busy on a regular basis, BUT you’ll also have quite a few who are slow at paying and only meet your fee infrequently–but it all adds up to keeping that pay-pipe full.


I accept work from NotaryGo, I never do the low price closings, I always tell them what I need to be paid for the job to be complete. They pay the negotiated fee. Well not every single time, there has been a few I outright refused due to they not wanting to up the price, but I guess they found someone who will do the closing for a way to low of a price. I alway ask for a better pay per closing no matter who calls or texts, unless the closing is paying enough that I accept as is.

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I get a lot of traffic from NotaryGo (since I was apparently removed from C2C). Always lowball offers, which I counter-offer and rarely get accepted for it. Nonetheless, the jobs that I did complete, I was paid in a timely manner and the staff have been professional and always to the point with me.