Signing service asking mobile notary to do multiple property refis with one client

I had a signing service call and schedule for a refi signing - fee $100 and then I find out it is 6 separate refi transactions with 5 fedex’d to client and one I would print for 200+ pages - I asked for a higher fee and $300 was highest they would go - I cancelled - thoughts?

Total page count? Total travel time/mileage? Total number of signers? If I were only printing 200(ish) pages with a single signer and single location, I would probably have done it for $300, assuming the block of time required would not disrupt my schedule.

I think you did the right thing by cancelling. Setting aside travel/time to one location and even the printing of 1 pkg., this only averages out to $50 each. Who does a refi for $50?


Print 200 pages translates to 400 to account for printing borrower’s copy…so IMO first signing $150-$175+

For the other additional 5 loan packages, no travel as you’re already there, I’d say (for me) $100 for each of those - so you’re looking at a job worth, IMO, $650 - $$675 total for SIX loan packages. Keeping in mind it depends on where OP is located - if it were me and located in CA, imagine the table time just to document all these into the journal. Fees there would probably be higher.

Six loan packages for $100? I want some of whatever that signing service is smoking.

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I did five seller’s pkgs one time and they paid me $400. I was ok with that as it was only 24 miles RT, the doc packages were around 80 pages each and they were all the same seller at the same location/time.
It just depends on what your time is worth to you. I think they were trying to really lowball you with the deal you shared. I would NOT do that.
Everybody needs to stick to their guns on the fees. Typically a hundred dollars. I won’t even leave my house for less than $50. That’s my travel fee alone.

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I often have these. I charge $175 each which includes the scanbacks. I would NEVER tolerate what your client tried to pull.

I wouldn’t have done it for $300. I have done six at a time, and they paid me $600. The lowest I would have gone is $500.

You did right by refusing.


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Right thing to do. Unfortunately, some bottom feeder will take it

Love to know what they got paid? I would have charged 600. That’s a fair price.

Thanks for all the feedback - I feel I did the right thing too