Slow business -- Lowball offers

Hi, there. Once I became a LSA, jobs were rolling in frequently. I declined because of low ball offers. Then I began accepting $75 minimum for jobs in my immediate area (no more than 10-15 minutes from my home). However, even those jobs have come to a halt. Is it slow for everyone? Is there more I can do to receive more jobs? Preferably, ones that pay more than $75? I’ve never made a mistake on a signing, and I’ve almost hit 30 jobs.

I am not sure where you live, but 10-15 minutes from home sounds wonderful. In Tucson there are low ball offers and some good offers as well. Many of them are quite a drive. I could certainly take more jobs if the times were not already set and conflicting with other appts. I will go days with nothing and then on a day like yesterday get three offers for 5 pm signings when I already had 5 and 7 pm signings.

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I rarely get any Signing that is less than 30 minutes each way, so when I get something within 10 or 15 minutes I’m ecstatic. I have taken at least 150 Signings at $60 during the first year and a half I’ve been a Signing Agent. I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that but I did not know about Notary Cafe at the time and really had no one to discuss fees, what to do and not do, etc. It’s been a trial and error adventure. Now, however, I’m known to several Signing companies and I get many more phone calls direct. I feel very comfortable negotiating and now seldom take anything under $80-$100, and if distance is far and/or scan backs required, I add another $15 to $20… No one of us can tell you what to charge, because my cost of living in a major metro area may be different from a cost of living in a rural area. Since discovering Notary Cafe (thank you Carol Ray), I’ve increased my prices and skills in negotiating. Thank you everyone.