Title365 (Xome) - TX

Hello all. Has anyone else experienced a noticeable drop in the number of signings for this company in TX recently, or it’s only me?:roll_eyes:

With some companies, work seems to be cyclical. The lender does heavy advertising in a given geographical area, which generates a lot of signings for a while, but the lender has moved on to another area, so signings dwindle until the next go-round.

I used to get a steady flow of signing orders from them. Now, on only one order in three weeks.
Thanks for the info, Arichter. That clarifies the situation.

I’m in CA and I still get several offers each day. Don’t know why Texas would be any different.

Thanks for your note, bluesky. Yeah, just sounded weird to me getting 1 assignment in 3 weeks after 2 to 3/day.

One more thing I noticed. This last signing offer was in my zip code, 3 blocks away. I was wondering if they started assigning notaries according to their location like SigningOrder.

Xome was one of the very first companies that has given me assignments when I started in 2017. From time to time I stop getting orders from them. What I do is uninstall and reinstall the app on my phone. That usually works. Lately it seems they are sending offers for near my location. My associate is also getting offers closer to him. I’m in California and they are East Coast so some offers come through early in the morning. If you aren’t awake they melt away before you see them as you only have 10 minutes to respond. Try uninstalling and reinstalling and if you still aren’t getting any orders, reach out to their support to see if you are missing some of your renewed credentials.

Thank you very much keaton4notary, this is a valuable advise that I’ll definitely follow.
You’re right. They do send offers early in the morning and to an address that is closer to you, and you’re correct about this one too. But, with limited assignment radius, I started getting only one or two a week.