How to jump start my signings

I loved your in-depth reply! Thank you! It is so important to have this community. We really try to genuinely help one another. Beautiful. It is so refreshing rather than folks saying I’ll tell you if you take my master class. I get needing some of that, but not every question requires a class. Again, thanks for your helpful reply for those of us who are new or need a reminder of who we are, and what we are worth in this industry.

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@Arichter Omg the first thing you said was crickets :rofl: Omg that was funny coming from you. The voice of wisdom and experience has spoken.

Now then, Arichter advice is sound and on point. This reminds me of the old saying " You have to learn how to walk before you take off running ".

@splee198512 you’ve got to jump in and get some experience under your belt. Yes your going to have challenges, some bad experiences, low offers ect. unfortunately that’s why they call it growing pains. You will end up growing through the pains of your early signing experiences.

Wishing you many successful signings

Thank you for your advice. Really appreciated.

Thank everyone for their advice and knowledge. This was very helpful, especially for a newbie, not having done any signings yet. However, I am preparing my business, while I am in the waiting process.

Thanks again.

Hi everyone! I’m Kelley and have been commissioned since October 2020 and have had one signing this month. Still waiting for more to come through. I live in a rural area is there any way to get more signings closer to my area? Any tips?

Thanks in advance. This info has been helpful!

We are soooo fortunate to have Arichter & LindaH on this forum. They not only speak from experience, but ( as my grandmother use to say ) they have good horse sense.

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I love hearing your replies. I have a question for you how do you go about determining your competition in certain areas any tips with that besides combing every site there is? Thank you for your response.

Which loan signing program did you take with Mark Willis. I see that he has 3 levels, I’m considering taking the course.

I stopped at crickets! :rofl: :joy: Thank you for the laugh of the day.

Thank you for the advice, especially running it as a business.