Is this business dying?

2020 the top the hill, since then the quantity of signing offers and the fees are rapidly desceasing, anyone agrees?


Are you just stating the obvious, or, are you complaining, or what??? What kind of a response are you looking for? Here’s mine. . .

Nah, things are terrific. Couldn’t hardly be better. Lots of orders, mostly at $175. Who isn’t thriving?!


Thanks Linda and I hope so, just felt sad going back to my 9-5 job after three awesome years of complete independence.
What surprises is this sudden change in (Texas) to one or zero signings a day.

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Tell me where you’re located, I’ll join your party. Texas has gotten very slow lately.

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Things are tough all over. I’m in California and with the high population density, there’s still plenty of work but it’s waaay slower than just a few months ago. I’m transitioning into GNW and working very hard to ferret out all the opportunities in that arena. It’s amazing the kind of work I’ve uncovered.


What did you make per month doing signings?

I used to make all the way up to 6K/mo.
Now, none if that … four to five hundred a week


Way to go! Good luck and I hope that the current situation is temp.

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I’m also in Texas and things have really slowed down. Don’t buy the hype of those who are success bombing. Just ask to see their Schedule C.

The market has changed, and saturated with NSAs, 2021 was a peak year. It’s not possible to accurately predict the next upswing.


Market’s contracting from the crazy highs of 2020, like the crazy highs of 06’.
Same thing will happen, the part-timers will drop out and the full timers/marketers/hustlers will hustle harder and scoop up that business.

If you post your tax return that confirms your high income is that still “success bombing”?
Like it’s wrong to be honest and encouraging that you can crush it if you’re willing to do what most want?
Or the only acceptable outlook on this forum is you “can’t” do signings as your only income in the current market?


Totally agree. I am doing this FT and I guess it’s time to support my income with a side haste, Uber may be.
Doing a 9-5 job is not an option for me

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Beat A Dead Horse GIFs | Tenor


The Schedule C validates the bombers success. I’ve yet to see one posted. I have seen a single 1099 posted that had the payor blocked. It’s much easier to be untruthful than it is to be honest. I’m reminded of what President Reagan once said, “Trust but verify”.


To answer your question: depends on what you mean. If you are referring to ReFis I will agree with you. I used to do up to 4 a day. Now it’s more like 6 a month since November. Nevertheless, as for my business it has been a golden opportunity to expand in other areas; that’s the beauty of being Notary Public; you can do so much with it. While Refis signing have gone down, GNW and attorney facilitator assignments have gone way up. The pros of this outweighs the bad 20 to 1. For instance. Now I’m printing less paper hence using less ink. That means I’m spending less money on supplies. Also I’m driving local more than ever done before and the jobs I do take no more 10 min for GNW or 40 min for lawyer assignments. On the other hand income is still less than before but I’m getting paid a lot faster, many times on the spot rather than wait 45-60 days and I’m able to pay everything and on time. God has been good. Humbly speaking I’m able to take of my family and business as usual. I hope this helps somehow


Don’t you love being an NSA? I do. It is such a blessing and I am very grateful for this job. I love the freedom to set my own income goal, unlike back at my old corporate job, they set my goal and I have to meet it or I’ll lose my job!


Oh wow, you do not need to show proof or to prove yourself to anyone! I believe you and I know that you have no reason to make it up. You are just trying to encourage others to stay positive and work hard and that they can do it too but if they don’t believe, then let it be because it’s not your problem. IMO, God knows the truth, and he is the only one that you need to show proof and to prove yourself to.


You are exactly right! That schedule C don’t lie.

I looked at both of your Schedule Cs. First, Gross revenue isn’t net income. The Schedule C isn’t where you report personal income. Personal income is reported on your 1040 through Schedule 1. The copies you posted, but have since deleted, are of such low resolution and heavily redacted including your business name it’s not possible to determine what fraction of your revenue comes from your Signing Service, or your Title Producer business. Your Webpage states you’re operating as a signing service not as solo NSA. Your claims are still in question.

You and I both know that what I put as my net income on both businesses is going to be filled with phantom expenses like mileage deductions(I have an EV) and the section 179 deduction of a $100,000 vehicle. Did I actually spend $130,000 in gas and a vehicle? Nope, I spent about $5,000.
My net income on the sole prop was about $5,000. My $105,000 net from my p&l minus the section 179.
Signing service was net income of $20,000, but there’s no phantom deductions there, other than QBI.

Admitting on a public forum you’re using phantom expenses puts you at risk of an audit or at least show your intention. Using phantom expenses raises questions of your integrity or that of your CPA. I hope your CPA informed you the $100K vehicle you depreciated under 179 means that vehicle can only be used for business activities.

By your own statement, your notary income is only $20K, which is closer to typical the many struggling NSAs, with the remainder coming from your work as a Title Producer. When you imply that your pulling in the Big Bucks as a solo NSA its misleading as the least.