Lender harassment

Has anyone ever been harassed by the lender? I have been called and texted by the lender for over a week. Sometimes over 15 texts a day. I was even called to ask to do a favor. After telling him that wasn’t a viable option for me. He still tried an underhanded way to get me to do the signing with his little favor. So I took myself off. He’s still been calling and texting. I’ve contacted the signing company and made them aware of his antics. I have just never experienced anything like this before.

That sounds like a phone number I would block. Add it to your contacts first so you will know who is blocked.

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I did after he asked me to backdate the docs.

Hey, can I ask how this case was solved? Ty.

I’ve had a similar experience with a lender before, and it can be really difficult to know what to do next. It’s great that you’ve already taken the step of contacting the signing company to let them know what’s going on. Hopefully, they’ll be able to take some action to stop the harassment. If things continue to escalate, though, you might want to consider taking further action . I recently read an article called “Digital Investigation” that talked about how experts can help you deal with online harassment and other types of digital abuse. They can provide you with advice on how to protect yourself and your personal information, as well as helping you to gather evidence if you need to take legal action.

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