PROCEED WITH CAUTION REGARDLESS OF: Great Experience with Celtic Signings

I recently worked with Dennis McGrath from Celtic Signings on a refinance in my area. We had great communication, Dennis kindly answered all my questions before the signing, and I was paid promptly! I hope to have the opportunity to work with him again in the future.

FYI: There are AT LEAST 16 separate threads within the Notary Cafe Database wherein members have not received payments from this business entity/individual . . .

So, the ANOMALY is the above post attesting to a “great experience.”

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See the following direct url link to the Notary Cafe page that provides a list of those threads. There are more . . . this is simply a cursory result from the Search of the GOLDMINE found within the database.

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NOTE: Typically, we see that once a business entity develops a non-payment or very slow payment reputation, they soon experience great difficulties filling their orders.

So, the gambit is up for them; however, the unsuspecting and trusting will “give them a shot” and the initial signing (or 2) everything is peaches & cream . . . however, you’ll soon find yourself in an identical scenario as the previous professional certified notary signing agents.

As always, vet your clients carefully so that you don’t find yourself chasing after payments from clients.

Remember leopards can’t change their spots.
