Counter pricing

I am a notary in California. I would like some feedback on counter pricing fees. When you get a low ball fee in a message blast do you accept and when the call you then do you counter? I have been refusing then in the reason I select too low fee and type in the amount I require. I have countered with $100. on a local signing. I have not gotten any call backs when I submit a counter by message. How are you getting all this work? I have only gotten 1 signing in two weeks and that was one I got on a referral. I am getting desperate. You say don’t take low ball offers but I am not getting any work. I have been a signer since Sept 2017 and signed up with 26 different title and signing companies. Also NNA, notary café and 123 notaries. Please help. Thank you

First, think you need to do some marketing. You’re only signed up with 26 companies. You’re also a newb, so Title Cos are generally not going to give you a try. My ‘company list’ is around 300. Accepting low fees is not a good idea nor do I think accepting & then attempting to re-negotiate is an overall good strategy (tho’ I have done it when the job that comes over is NOT as it was presented).

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Hi! I had the some problem. I believe that you will have to accept some low paying jobs. The reason is so that you can gain experience to then command a higher price point. I feel your pain. But do what is best for you and your business. I pray that it is successful.


No to low pay jobs. Just no.