In ability to get documents from Title or Escrow

I have experienced frequent issues with getting documents in sufficient time to print and get to the signer. In general, this is the fault of the Title or Escrow agency or the Lender. This situation leaves the signing agent in a position of not being able to commit to other signing offers that may be presented once they have made a commitment to the first signing. If feel that signing agents should stipulate in their fee structure that documents must be provided at least 90 minutes before the scheduled time or an additional fee will be in order. In addition, any signing order that has been given and is not available to the signing agent at the time of the the signing appointment is a result of Title or Escrow or Signing Company failure, the signing agent id due payment for the assignment. I would be interest in how others think of this idea and.or have had similar experiences.

2 hours is already fairly standard lead time–let’s not encourage less time! Most logical thing to do is tell 'em ASAP what your ‘drop dead’ receipt of docs time is ‘or they will need to re-assign’. Works for me.

Think most will simply look elsewhere if you tell them up front that if docs aren’t received at least 90 minutes prior, you expect payment whether or not you can complete it. (No, you didn’t say that, but it was implied.) Note that some days I can be more flexible than other days…but, even then, there is a limit and I let them know that, too. Communication is key to ‘everybody happy’.


This is why I’m only taking assignments (from signing companies) super close to home. That and because the pay is about half what I receive from my escrow direct clients.