Category Topics

Beginner's Questions

If you are not sure your question is a good question, it's OK to ask it here.

A Place to Talk Technology

A nice place to talk about how you use technology to aid your business.

Signing Service 411

Have thoughts about a specific signing service that you’ve worked with? That goes here!

Notary Experiences

Let's hear about your experiences with the companies you contract with.

Looking For Advice

Just need some advice on your situation? Want someone with more experience to give you some pointers? Post here!

PSAs and News

Have something to share about current events in the Notary world or just something you think people should know? Put it here!

What I've Learned (Tips and Tricks)

Share your experiences in the notary industry that have helped you build a successful notary business.

Story Time!

Have an interesting story to share with everyone? Tell us here!

Law Related

Please limit posts here to verifiable, law-related topics. Remember, each state has unique rules and regulations regarding Notaries. ** What is applicable in one state may not be valid in another.**

The Lighter Side

A place for jokes and amusing stories that may or may not be realted to the Notary industry (Oo the PG variety). Please keep the content appropropraiate for all viewers.

The Darker Side - Protecting Yourself from Fraud

With the increase in phishing attacks, this area is intended to help identify suspicious signing offers. It is not meant for payment disputes or “regular” discussions in the Notary Experiences category.