4506-C IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return

Very important: Always ask your source a question like this. The norm is each signs individually but you never know.

only the people whos name is on the form signs it. regardless if the spouses file joint returs or not.
Don’t over think it plus its not our job as Notaries to decipher it.

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Bingo! Well said - Not our call as each company/lender has their own requirements. Best to check with hiring party to confirm signing requirements

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This is further complicated on how they’ve signed their 1040s in previous years. Sometimes multiple 4506s are needed because more than one entity [lender, underwriters, title, etc.] need to verify income.


I only have the spouse sign if their name is printed on the document. If they each have their own and only their name on their own, I have them each sign their own only.


We aren’t tax experts. When in doubt ask who hired you, don’t just decide if you don’t know.