@darla Interesting thought . . .
I’d like to ask you to consider this topic just a bit further before you make your final determination regarding this particular Signing Order.
It’s understandable that one might consider requesting payment in advance. Always keep in mind that the payer can REVERSE that payment & still leave you in their dust . . . Something to ponder.
As there are outstanding payables to other Professional Signing Agents [PSAs], the onus is upon that business entity to muster up the courage & tenacity to bring their affairs in orders & pay all their Past Due Payables. Requesting payment-in-advance could inadvertently further extend the payments to those who are already owed for the Professional services they’ve successfully provided. Often, in these types of instances, it’s like the game of ‘Musical Chairs’ where someone always loses. Best to Opt OUT of engagement with Non-Payers or Extended/Delayed Payers.
Often these types of business entities will promptly pay inexperienced PSAs & request a glowing review on these forums; unfortunately, it’s a ruse to convince their ‘Audience’ they’ve turned things around financially. Usually, that certainly isn’t the case.
Right now there are MANY reasons to be especially cautious as the foundation of our industry is rumbling & churning as if it’s about to unleash an Earthquake. As I have long suggested, utilize your Critical Thinking processes to protect yourself to ensure that:
- you’re working with Professionals
- you’re covering your out-of-pocket expenses & can turn a Profit!
- you’ll be paid in a timely manner
Here is a direct url to a very helpful & instructional post on the Notary Cafe forum regarding => covering those out-of-pocket expenses & turning a Profit!