This has been my policy since the launch of my business within this business sector:
Unable to print for an unconfirmed appointment
Unable to travel unless guaranteed a fee for efforts (regardless of completing the signing)
This is an excellent & appropriate strategy for reticent signers who fear responding to texts or calls from “unknown” numbers.
Of note, one step that I have which you may already implement (but don’t mention above) is asking the Title/Escrow Company [T/EC] to reach out to the signer(s) directly, provide my contact number to them, & ask the signer(s) to reach out to me directly.
In my direct experience, usually, the signer(s) will reach out & I’m able to confirm the signing engagement & ensure that everything is as appropriate and the signing location is also appropriate with a table & chairs.
I’ve found that it’s not uncommon at all to have invalid contact information (and even address information) on the notary confirmation that you get from the signing service. I’ve been corrected several times by signers when I asked them to verify the signing address that I was given on the confirmation. To think, they bitch at us all the time about errors. Maybe we should send an email to all signing services saying that they get a $20 increase in fees if they give us incorrect information on the notary confirmation.
@steves11 Yes, this certainly does happen from time-to-time.
When I’m unable to reach the signer(s), the First Step I take is look for alternative contact data on the Notarial Confirmation Form.
The Second Step I take is to search the internet for confirmation of the data provided on the Notarial Confirmation Form.
The Third Step I take is to research the loan document package (if I’ve received secure access to it); i.e., on the loan application form, 4506-C/4506-T, etc.
I like that idea, Steve. If they can ding us, we should get paid more for catching their errors. Of course, that will happen when a unicorn is grazing in my back yard.
I have handled the no response signers in one of two ways. The first thing I do is follow up on the VM left with a text telling them that I will not be able to travel to their assignment without confirmation from them and I build in a response time for them to get back with me that is usually at least 4 hours for printing, reviewing and traveling to the appointment. This usually does the trick.
The second option is reaching out to title and let them know of my failed attempts to get a response from the signer(s). If I reach someone in title they usually can get a hold of the signer or have the lender do so to confirm. I do let them know that it is my personal poilicy to have the confirmation, regardless of whether they say just go without confirmation.
Sadly, and it this has happened only once in over 1600 signiings I’ve done, I will ask to be removed from the signing when I cannot get anyone (signer, title or lender) to give me an appointment confirmation. I’m ok with this being my policy, as like with you, I usually travel more than one hour to signing location and am not in the business of getting a so called print fee for the no shows.
Hope this helps you in any unforeseen situations you may have like this in the future. Good luck.
I have found that when a someone who does not confirm in12 hours and T/EC can’t reach them, that this will probably fall through. If after -24 hours, I ask to be removed. I am not going to suspend my availability for other jobs.
Had one yesterday got ghosted by the signer it had never happened before. Ended up completed as canceled signer did not show. I still have never heard from who hired me.
I have had situations where I couldn’t get a response from the signer no matter how many times I tried calling and texting. Of course, I was told by the signing service to go anyway. Turns out that I was given the wrong phone number on my confirmation.
Rare and usually because the confirmation is wrong or a signer thinks I am a spam call and blocks me. I communicate with whoever hired me via the contact info on the order or the platform that hired me. 90 one way I would say - can’t attend without confirmation. I will usually get a return text from the signer after that. Even with no after hours contact - someone gets notifications when you use it he info they give you for contact.
When attempting to contact signer(s), I use all available methods – phone call too all numbers listed and leave v/m, text and email. If after a few hours, no response, I email hiring party and inform them of my efforts and definitely list phone numbers and emails used and ask how they wish to proceed. Once in a very great while, I’ll have been given erroneous info. I also inform hiring party that if they wish me to proceed to signing as scheduled without having made contact with signer(s), then they are also agreeing to pay my full fee regardless of signer(s) availability or willingness to sign.
It’s surprising how fast, in most cases, signer responds to confirm.
Most TC readily agree to paying full fee because someone there has already confirmed with signers prior to file getting to notary.
(Note: always get every agreement/stipulation in writing)
@jennifer2 It’s always a good idea (if you’ve received the document package) to review the 1003/loan application.
All of the Borrowers [BOs] pertinent current data is normally present there, if you’re encountering difficulties making contact.
There was one lone instance wherein I needed to Search online for the contact data & was able to successfully locate it there. Thankfully, the BO was a Real Estate Agent & his number was immediately available.
He was surprised the Lender didn’t provide his current info, but he commended me on my problem-solving skills.
I’ve had this happen on a few occasions. It’s usually correctable when communicating directly to the hiring party about the inability to contact signers. On a couple of occasions I have actually been given a wrong number by the SS or Title. I always go anyway. It is useful to have your order just to check with the signers that the number you have is the correct one. This served me well in one instance when I arrived at an address and the signer was spitting nails because I had not called to confirm the appointment. I was able to show them the number on my order and both attempts to reach them in my phone record. They cooled their heels with me, but were still angry with the SS/Title for being “stupid”, and did a lot of snorting and talking under their breath during the signing. You can only do your best and not take it personally.