@RiverpointeTaxThank You for the accurate, unadulterated truth of the current status within our Business Sector.
I concur percent with all the following:
NOTE: The status provided by Riverpointe Tax is valid for TexasAND for many other States in the US as well. Of course, there will always be isolated pockets with a flurry of activities, but certainly it’s no longer the norm . . .
When Researching the Directories you’re listed within you can easily see the dramatic increase in the number of names/faces present clamoring for a pie of the diminishing proverbial pie. For those who are new to this business sector (2 years of less), they’ll very quickly see there is a dearth of Signing Orders and that they were sold the “sizzle,” but not the “steak” of the “you too can earn 6-figures” sales pitch. They realize there is not only no revenue in the 6-figure range, but there’s not a full-time income for the majority of Professional Signing Agents [PSAs]. Well, that is if you don’t have a family member who is an Escrow Officer at a Title Company who diverts business your direction.
In addition, the individuals “hawking their wares” of 6-figures are now pushing their naïve/trusting “students” to start Signing Services [SSs] to create their 6-figures. Well, anyone who reads the Notary Cafe (or any other) forum is fully cognizant that the SSs are in worse shape than most, because they’re folding up their tent and leaving fees unpaid for many PSAs.
There will always be an isolated few with rose-colored glasses on & who ignore the sagacious insights provided by those who have ridden out the roller-coaster cycle through numerous seasons, and tell you to proceed to launch your business.
The very BEST I can offer You (the Notary Cafe audience) is to enter into ANY endeavor for business (or otherwise) with your eyes wide open, your critical thinking cap on, and crunch the numbers realistically (not optimistically).
You can also review these threads for additional sagacious insights: