Horrible First Signing!

Absolutely the same experience. I totally understand. It stressful And especially when your trying to preform a good job. Some thing is falling short with these signing platforms .

You have good advise thank you

I got docs yesterday at 430 for a 6pm. I have been doing this a while i.e I have closed 800 plus packages. The package was almost 600 pages when I found 3 loan apps and duolicates of almost every doc I sent an email stating sorry can’t accommodate the late docs. That wasn’t the reason. It was the docs I received would have taken me 2 plus hours fee was 200 it would have to be 500 to deal with that BS. And it was an hour each way. Screw that. I had accepted the order the night before for a 3pm at 2130 thinking it was for the next day. This is par for the course with this title co. NO TY. also they closed their own notary platform because they never paid us

600 pages, can’t imagine if you get a reader…

That’s a huge print job for last minute.

I canceled. It’s unprofessional they can’t get their loan packages together. Asking signers to sign the same thing over and over. it’s humiliating.

When the loan packages are a mess just makes it impossible for the signing

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Correct and I feel for new folks who may not realize NO company needs 4 or 5 loan apps signed or 3 HUDS etc. A waste of my time and the borrowers

I too, had a horrible first signing. Actually two. Since then I have had three good ones. And now nothing for three weeks! My question is where do I look to see if I received bad ratings for those first two? I did finish them out but it was so horrible I almost quit. I have read that agencies give out negative and poor ratings when a notary does a poor job.

Agreed. Only time I had mutual loan applications or documents like that was when it was for multiple loan numbers. Pretty much same docs over and over, only thing different was the loan number on each one. What a headache :face_with_head_bandage:

160 x 2 = 320 total pages
This is why you will work for free less than $100. Gas is $5/gal, toner, paper, etc, etc,

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What an incredibly bad first experience you had. I can relate with an ulcer. Once Title no longer had to ship documents the day before a closing (around 2005), the stress became ours since we have to print, prep, travel and be on time for the little fee we are offered.

In my 25 years of being NSA Certified, I can tell you, I leave NOTHING to chance; I have a due diligence protocol I apply to EVERY assignment to ensure the Scheduler, Signers, Lenders & Title know I’m onto the land mines that can screw up a closing. Lenders & Title are notorious for over planning their time and not delivering in time for the Notary to do their job. Their poor planning should not constitute an emergency for the Notary. Period.

As a result of these experiences, here are legions of signing services that are in my rear view for just that reason…they are completely unreliable, require a great deal of prep for the Notary and even have inexcusable documents errors, i.e. misspellings of names and addresses!!!

Here’s hoping you future experiences are better than your first.

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