Mortgage Connect lowball offers

i’ll say again there is no insulting - there is just business. I get refi offers low balled all the time, I don’t do one for less than $100. It goes up depending on drive time and excessive mileage. If it’s over 150 pages I request a higher print fee. I don’t feel I am missing out on anything that pays less than $90. I only take $90 if it’s within ten miles. Don’t be thin skinned.

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My time is valuable and if It’s not over 100 and if it’s over 200 pages I request 175. I figure if some body wants to print 200 pages plus the 200 for the customer then they must be board and do not need to make a profit.

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I used to work for them a long time ago and their packages were very large, x 2, with 20 or more notarizations and faxbacks. They paid $120. or more depending on the size of the package. i.e. a piggyback was $185-200. Now that there is less work and just as many new notaries coming on line, they can pay much less. If their low fees were not accepted they would not still be offering them. They have many clients and still have some originating refis and purchase loans–just not near as much as in the previous refi boom. I don’t do any work for them anymore as it just doesn’t pencil out for me.

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I am inundated with their offers every day. I counter-offer those which interest me and have yet to have one accepted. That must mean that SOMEONE took their initial offer.

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Or countered for less.

And please stop using the term insulting - it’s not personal to them it’s business. Fees can be unacceptable but they aren’t “insulting”.

well said I get so tired of hearing that if people don’t like the fee offered stay home.

Insulting signing service trolls is the only reason I reply to this site.

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Are you suggesting I’m a signing service “troll”? I’m sure you’re not that ignorant.