New Pro-Member

Hello all, I am a new signing agent, as well as, a new pro-member. I am yet to receive and signing offers, should I be concerned. Is the pro-membership worth the extra money?

Hello, have you signed up with other signing services? If you read the thread “ Slow Start……” below you will see a list of signing services that may give you a jump on orders. I, too, am fairly new and the services listed have all given me orders. I was getting nervous myself in the beginning and now I have a signing a day🙂 you will to! If not more……I am not in a big city so my drives are typically an hour each way, otherwise, I would be able to take more. Enjoy your new venture!

Hello jamieannpacione,

Thank you so much for your response and encouraging words. I hope to soon see some business, I don’t mind the slow start, I just want the start. I am going to look for that thread you mentioned. All the best to you as well.

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Welcome, also sign up on and Snapdocs…put your name out there and work will come to you. When I first started, I accepted anything…most were $30 applications from Coast2Coast just to get the experience and feel comfortable. Pro-Membership is worth the money as you are investing in you. On Snapdocs, you can enter data. So, everytime you do a traditional notarization, enter that in Snapdocs.

Slow Start, Am I Doing This Wrong? - #19 by onmywayny Hello, here is the thread……sorry I thought it was under this topic😂 or I would have attached it when I replied…… I will get this all figured it out sooner or later🙂

Thank you for the link!!!

Thank you for the welcome and the advice!!!