Rescheduled Appointment Should I change date of docs?

Thank you. Who cares about the date of the docs? My gosh. You Notarize on the date you are there. Heck the doc could be a year old! Look it up in the book your state hands out for our rules.


You always need to make sure when you notarize its always the date that you actually doing the notarization no exceptions .Whether the note is correct or CD or alta Settlement state is the banks responsiblity not ours. You need to make sure the company understands what you are doing


I am a mobile singing agent and also current mortgage loan processor and prior mortgage loan closer, prior title closing agent, prior mortgage Dept supervisor for a credit union. It’s always the responsibility of the signing agent to contact whoever hired them to clarify what is needed. Since this was a refi however, I’m surprised no has mentioned the Right of Rescission documents. If the docs were drawn on xxx date and they didn’t sign until next day, this DOES affect the “cancel by midnight of
 “ date and would need to be adjusted accordingly. If that wasn’t addressed here it could come back on you. Be sure to keep that in mind on refi’s


I never worry about the date on the docs. I do make sure the date reflects when the signing is done.

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Wonderful practice! You have read your Notary laws I can tell.

No, you do not have to change the date of the documents. It should be the date of signing unless you have something in writing from the company who hired you that it is okay to use the outdated documents and put the current date. In this case, the borrowers (not you) must either line the old date or put the current date. Be mindful, depending on what county you are located, the Deed of Trust for recording is especially important document. Some counties do not like any lines or crossed out date on it. Otherwise, ask the company via Email to send you documents with current dates. Always have something in writing to back you up in case the situation will get sour!


Not sure that is legal!

You’re not sure what’s legal? Signing docs on a different date that’s printed on the documents? Yes it’s legal as long as you’re putting the correct date the documents were signed. But it’s not the notary who decides whether new docs are needed.


I hope I did not have anyone thinking I was dating the documents a date different from the date we sat at closing? Nope :-1:t5: I always date my Notarization on the date we are signing—even when I had to get another resigned doc from the loan because the borrowers missed a signature/initial
 that’s too easy to not slip up!


I would just sign them as it, but on ALL NOTARY ACTS, I will put the current date on when i met client. SO as a NOTARY, I do the right thing. In this case I am a NEUTRAL DISINTERESTED 3rd PARTY !!!

Anywhere notary stamp / signature involved, always use current date: Record in your notary journal.

Many illegally try to get the notary to date a refi transaction as of yesterday, or even day before, as they want to use the dormancy period of 3 day right to cancel and game it for the tardiness of the lender / title.

BY LAW , a notary must NOT post date or pre date any documents , OTHER than the date the notary and signer met.

NOTE , “A NOTARY MUST NOT”, a client / or anyone can do what they want, even draw a smily face !! As a NOTARY , YOU JUST DO THE RIGHT THING !!

Many break laws, bend laws, twist laws, abuse laws, and SIGH !! Sometimes this happens.
I would ask them, if they wish to re-draw with NEW dates, if not , i go ahead using my disinterested neutral notary witness act & record in journal the current date/time.

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