Update: 1.5 years later, after-hours notary business

I never advertised 24 hour service - why? I’m in redneck territory - and I didn’t need some drunk calling me at 2-3am to come to the jail or impound lot for their vehicle. Practiced self-preservation early on. :slight_smile:


OMG same!!! Then add on that I am a woman and have a small build (aka I cannot fight) so for me it’s a safety issue–I remember I offered an online option and still no responses. I would like to tap into the jail affidavit population because most people have at least a tracfone. Long as it connects to the internet one pg affidavits could be my bread and butter

I’m curious as to how OP was able to get $125 no questions asked… tho living in an affluent area probably helps. I will be the first to say I am jealous lol

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