Yes, I’m going through the same situation. I did a signing and January 6, 2023 and still no payment. After numerous calls and emails I reached out to the title company for help. MMC finally responded when I included them on the email I sent to Title. They stated that Accounting was working on it(after numerous attempts contacting Accounting). I have not heard a word about my payment.

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Yes, I’m going through the same situation. I did a signing and January 6, 2023 and still no payment. After numerous calls and emails I reached out to the title company for help. MMC finally responded when I included them on the email I sent to Title. They stated that Accounting was working on it(after numerous attempts contacting Accounting). I have not heard a word about my payment.

They have told me they will pay for one invoice that is 90 days and another invoice that is over a year ago. I cc the title company and told them I was taking formal collection action against the MMC and the title company if I didn’t receive payment. We will see if I receive a check.

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@Denise. I’m in the same boat as you and have filed a small claims suit against this company. Will also get them served by a Sheriff. I was hired to do a NSA job in Dec 2022 and have not been paid as of today. This company is on my list of Not-to-Do-Business

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I actually got paid for my past due invoices and the check cleared.


Thats awesome! I’ll let everyone know if I get paid from my Notary assignment from last year.

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I called 2 weeks ago one last time although my suit is in process to check if they would send payment.
Will drop the case against them once the check clears. Never will do business with them again!

Can you tell us how many hundreds of dollars was owed to you that merit a suit and a Sheriff to get involved? seems like a good case to be taken to court! TIA!

Principle was owed! It’s not about the dollar amount. It could have been $50.00. The fact services had been rendered to My Mobile Company and not compensated for the task at hand. Hopes this shine light on your question. Filing suit cost less than what was owed. BTW, checked cleared. Ty

@leslie.threadgill CONGRATULATIONS! :partying_face::crown:

Thank You for providing an update regarding payment for your Professional Signing Agent [PSA] services.

Hopefully the deposit went through successfully. :crossed_fingers:


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