WARNING: Non payment by Cloud Signings

Cloud Signings has a 60 day payment period and has not paid me for an assignment on 03/24/23. I sent a chat message to them via their website, called and left a message on the operator extension, then emailed them, then called back and left a message on Gourav Duggal’s extension, the only employee name I could see on their website. Their phone directory does not provide staff names with extensions, you have to type in the first 3 letters of the staff person. There is no reason for late payment with such a long payment period. I see others have had the same experience. I will update this as this progresses.

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I always get paid 60 days first Friday after

I figured I’d reply instead of editing the post, in order to update the status, if that’s the norm here. Cloud Signings replied to my email saying they paid the first Friday after 60 days so that payment issued tomorrow is correct. However, their email referred to my post above, leading me to believe that my post prompted their response to me instead of my inquiries starting 05/23. Since I feel a minimum of 60 days is too long to pay someone for services rendered, I will take their suggestion in their email and decline future notary offerings from them.

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I did one signing for them back in july never again I did get paid .

My fellow colleagues be aware of this company and their ridiculous fees and non payment. As an ex investigator, I did some searching and it appears that the word has gotten out for unethical behavior such as low fees and nonpayment. This company will not negotiate with you and will want you to complete a loan modification for $20. I went along with them to play along and yes this was their fee. Which, I find ridiculous. They will keep records on you and claim that your requested fees are two high. And yet they offer you peanuts for a signing. Please stay away because it appears that they will share the information with the Signing Order platform and stigmatize your notary profile. Stay above the curve and pay attention to the feedback generated by these companies run by scammers. We should be payed accordingly for your business activities and needs. This line of business needs to be looked into seriously because it needs some structural changes. It’s fine to make a buck however not when you are low balling fees and especially when you are not being compensated for services rendered. Thank you for your time.

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OOOOOH, I had it OUT with them back and forth via email about three weeks ago and it got HEATED. They are HORRIBLE to work with. Take forever to pay and yet, want to micromanage every second you spend on their work. I am reporting them as often as I can and giving them bad (but honest) reviews everywhere. They are the WORST.