@dawnsnotary Hmmm . . .
Interestingly, I sent a Certified Check for the annual renewal fee to the ADDRESS displayed on the 123notary .com website for mailing in a payment and the United States Post Office (USPS) just ALERTED me that the item is being returned to me because:
“the address was vacant or the business was no longer operating at the location and no further information was available.” (see image below for screen shot of USPS the Alert)
Their website CONTINUES to be flagged by the antivirus software with the following notification:
“This page was blocked for your protection. The webpage your are trying to access contains dangerous URLs.”
So, I’m going to DELETE the mailing address from my post above so that no one else WASTES postage + Certified Mail + Return Receipt costs to submit payment since it’s not a current address. Since it’s NOT SAFE to submit payment via the website directly, guess there’s no option to renew . . .