$40 signing fee

I received an offer from coast to coast via snap docs for a reverse mortgage 352 pages for $50 yesterday.

Ahhhh yes. My ONLY complaint about CTC is that they only offer $75 for a reverse. NO. I always counter $175 and they’ve never assigned it to me but I always figure maybe they can’t get someone for anything less and they’ll assign it to me. $75 for a reverse?! NO.

I’m going out on one today from another client for $225. I’ve also been doing them for another client (2-3 each week actually from this client as of late) for $175-200 each.

Please note-I’m in a major metropolitan area and drive 15-20 minutes, tops to most assignments- 7-8 miles. So these fees are great.

Vvs.notary.services, I have been beating my head on another thread saying exactly what you said about taking all offers (to a reasonable degree) and as such, keeping busy!! Signings are like credit-you need them to get them!!

I, too, have landed direct clients as a result of taking lower paying assignments-but don’t think I don’t continue to take most other offers to fill in the gaps of my day between the “big” ones.

I was an escrow officer for 18 years. I know my “stuff”. In my area, taking the attitude of “if they want me they gotta pay for me” means I’m home watching Maury Povich-ALOT.

The bottom line is that all anyone cares about in any transaction is whether you show up on time, accurately have the signer sign, initial and date wherever required, that you properly notarize the package, and scan/return it on the right size paper in the order the docs were sent to you (which believe it or not is super important to title btw as they still have work to do on these packages when they receive them-having to hunt through them ticks them off, trust me).

Win-win by taking those $40 one pagers.

Amen :+1:t5::+1:t5::+1:t5: Nicely Said, I couldn’t of said it any better.