JENN did I miss what company is making this unusual request? Would you mind sharing?
It was a company in Florida I have to look it up
Wow a lot of misunderstandings about what I said about clients wanting copy of the signers IDs. Everyone thought I was saying signers IDs and ours that is not what i said.
It was what the OP was about!
Did you have a role as one of the witnesses?
no, not in this case
In the past I’ve had signing services ask me for a copy of my DL, commission, bond and E&O. Never a Title Company.
The NNA certification exam training states notary best practice is to present their drivers license when meeting signers.
It doesn’t say provide a copy. When we post our credentials with SS we provide a lot of information including DL# in many cases. Has anyone called and asked why do you need this? I haven’t ever been asked for a copy of my DL. If I was I would just call and ask why when they have everything else.
There are companies who send my profile pictures to signers so they know who to expect.
That’s ridiculous and invasive. If background checks, fingeprinting, photographing, continuing ed., E & O, etc. aren’t enough, then my response is a hard NO. The boundaries have been pushed and pushed over the 20 years I’ve been doing this and enough is enough! IMHO.
If you take the NNA training for their NSA certification, best practice is your license goes on the table with the signer’s license. No one has ever tried to photograph my license doing that.
NNA best practice is simply to show your ID to the signers when you arrive.
I wouldn’t put my ID on the table with the signers’ IDs. My ID is on a lanyard, so no chance of me dropping it or forgetting it (…or signers photographing it.)