All Legal Size Paper Packages

Accepted an assignment from an application that does NOT negotiate after you accept the order. I know the fee they offer includes printing. I ask for a higher fee usually because of the size of the package.

But I accepted this one because it was what I would charge already, wasn’t that nice.

Then I get 127 pages all legal sized pages. And reams of legal cost substantially more than letter size paper. So I pointed it out and asked for a bump.

I did get an extra $10 (whoo hooo) but I also got the snarky “printing is included when you accept the order”. And I didn’t say anything because the last thing you can do is tell someone how rude they are. So instead I’ll just start asking for more no matter how big the package in case someone extra lazy is preparing the documents to print all legal size.

I don’t think they get that it reflects on them not me. So anyway. Winter is here.

I thought legal size are for pages that are being “recorded” by the county?

Are they requiring you to leave a set of docs for the signer too? That’s a double whammy, using legal size paper :face_with_raised_eyebrow: that’s when the signer would get their set on letter size, because you’re right, legal size is much more expensive!

For a set of 127 pages times two, I figure the cost as $4.57 if you buy a 10 ream case for $90 at Office Depot. For same conditions using letter paper, it’s $45 a case and the cost would be $2.29 or an extra cost of $2.28. I wouldn’t sweat that, it’s similar to the extra cost of finding out you have to take a longish detour.

Not necessarily. Many docs can be on legal size. Many county recorders (and title companies) want the recorded docs on letter size…it’s cheaper to record.

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