Americas notary pro - great company

I just wanted to let all my fellow notaries know that k recently worked with America’s notary pro and they were excellent. Very straightforward, clients were so pleasant, their system was easy to use, they trusted my experience and never second guessed me and they paid so fast ! I believe they pay out twice a month ( don’t quote me on that ) but I got paid in about 10 days from closing as I was close to when they cut checks. Totally recommend. My only complaint is the pay was kind of low however that’s not really their fault as new notaries in my area have driven down the fees and I understand the company has a final say but the end of the day everyone is in it for the money ( I say this because imagine if you got 0 dollars for your work, would you still go out everyday and notarize for free ? ) …. it is what it is. However, I do love my job and am grateful to enjoy it and make money at the same time. Cheers everyone



As I often express, do your own Research, due diligence, & keep your critical thinking skills ACTIVE!


While appreciation goes out to @goldennotaryllc for sharing a direct experience with this business entity, please consider that it’s simply anecdotal in nature.

Oftentimes a business entity that has a prolonged history of very S L O W payment or NON-PAYMENT will toss out a payment here or there to roil the proverbial waters a bit . . .


For Notary Cafe members who aren’t familiar with all the threads containing multiple payment assistance requests on this business entity, here are 17 threads MANY of which are WARNINGS about NON-PAYMENT.

Caveat venditor.


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Crazy because i got paid after 2 months and i waited the 2 months to give them grace but then after 4th email they responded stating they were sending out a check its not first time either when i know its them i deny the signing

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