Amour Title Settlement Serc

Has anyone done any work for Amour Title?

Never heard of them. Check the BBB to be on the safe side.

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I did some for them, had no problems.

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I have had several with Armour and I have not had any problems with them. They pay, usually net 30, never had to chase down any payments or any problems on docs.


Yes, I do quite a bit of work for them. I have not had any issues with them. They seem to be very professional and pay on time.


I ha’ve and they are good company


They are a good company to work with.

My sentiments, the 1st year in this business I signed up with five or six agency"s and that was the last I heard from them
and I will not sign up (pay) with them or anyone in hopes to get business, my business came from me marketing for my self and is proving to be good, still searching for title companies that pay good and quick any suggestions?

Did a lot of work for them last year. Paid me for some but not all of my signings. When I contacted them, Cody claimed he had paid someone with the same name as mine. Have turned down jobs from them ever since. The tax records they sent at the end of the year confirmed that I was right. They probably owe me for several signings.

Worst experience- they never paid me neither. I added Armour Title Services to my BAD BOY List.