ive created this booking website with the goal of gaining more online notarizations but also books for mobile notary services and wanted any guidance. What works for you? best way to gain traffic?
Thank you very much
ive created this booking website with the goal of gaining more online notarizations but also books for mobile notary services and wanted any guidance. What works for you? best way to gain traffic?
Thank you very much
When you are brand new, I think it is critical to be found and located at the top of search results when someone does a Google search or other online search for “NOTARY PUBLIC” (or whatever search term you want) in your area. I recommend creating a FREE Google Maps listing for your business if you don’t already have one. Google listings are free. Other search engines like Microsoft Edge may charge a fee.
Do a search for “online notarizations in Houston, Texas” and see what your ranking looks like. How far do you have to scroll down in the search results before a potential customer sees your business?
If you want to appear at the top, it may be worth paying for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to help improve your business’s search rankings.
Best of luck to you!
I noticed you site says your operating in Houston, while your telephone area code is San Antonio. This might cause some confusion with Houston clients.
I’ve had an active notary website since1999. It’s a great place to tout your bonafides thought I doubt anyone reads past the photo, telephone number and fee. I see (we) used a lot and it always makes me wonder who’s going to show up. Reviews seem to help too. The biggest issue by far is trust, so by all means look trustworthy and answer every call like a professional.
Well, you did one thing - you posted a link here - that automatically drives some traffic to your website.
Now, my critic’s eye looked it over quickly - it’s very eye-pleasing and informative, however please review your website and make some corrections as there are numerous spelling and grammatical errors on your page - and I only looked at the home page. You may drive traffic to your site, these issues may turn some away. You want to look professional out there - attention to detail is critical - like good grammar and spelling.
I know this is probably not what you asked, and please know I do not mean to offend. But, to me, this is a very fine detail that speaks volumes about the website and the business entity. JMO
Good luck
I don’t see what area or county you service. I searched the entire homepage but didn’t see it. I believe that should be front and center or at the very top as your H1 header. If I needed a mobile notary, I’d want to know what areas you cover and zip codes before I even keep reading. If I saw a notary’s website with lots of errors, I’d skip right past it because attention to detail is everything.
Hi Lee, it’s been a few weeks. I urge you to scrutinize your website. Run spell checker. Run grammar checker. Remove all of the “Lorem ipsum” filler text such as is on your page Apostille Services for Houston under COMMON DOCUMENTS. And be very careful about the claims and services you offer.
For example, your website says “notaries in Houston can issue Apostilles”. That is actually a function of the Texas Secretary of State: Authentication of Documents - Frequently Asked Questions.
There is huge difference between saying that you offer “Apostille services” to help your client acquire an Apostille from the Texas Secretary of State and saying that you can actually issue Apostilles for your client. It may seem like semantics, but these words matter if someone complains.
I hope this helps you.
Many thanks for the clarification. Made the changes you listed.
Very welcome. It is difficult to proof-read from the back end. What you want to do is look at your website exactly as a visitor does. Log out of your publisher and just go to your website URL. Proof-read your website as the visitor sees it, noting any spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections that still need to be made. Then login once again to your website editor to make the corrections and re-publish. Your website is making good progress
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