Anymore auto-assign platforms?

I know what you mean about not wanting to post here. You share your thoughts and you have a dozen ppl telling you why it won’t work. I like technology too and am always looking for ways to save time doing this job. I’d like to hear more; please don’t allow the naysayers to shut you down.

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Opinions folks! We all have a different one - I don’t feel that anyone means anyone else a bad experience with technology - SH–happens and some people just are realists - no one likes when someone shares a bad story of life. Keep an open mind - do not get offended by anything that anyone says. I feel that there is always something to learn - sorry you consider some of the comments from naysayers. I am personally a realist myself and I try to understand all sides in a conversation.
I hope you all have a great day today. Everyday offers us a new opinion - that is a good thing.

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Constructive opinions are welcomed…condescending opinions shut down the dialog as is the case for which I posted. The notary who started the conversation became offended. You say you should not get offended, how about reviewing and rereading your comments before hitting the send button. When the more experienced notaries make comments like “I would never” that’s condescending to many who are just starting out. Some have forgotten what it’s like when just starting in this business. You, for one can be condescending as I recall my very first post regarding electronic journals and your very negative reply. Nobody knows everything.

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Keep in mind those of us who said it wouldn’t work said it wouldn’t work for US. Big difference from “it won’t work…period”. We’re not trying to be condescending at all - or naysayers…or flog you for your opinion. At least I’m not - for me, personally, auto-assign would not work for ME and (yes I’m going to say it) I would never allow it.


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I do t know why you seem to take what is being said personally. Advice was asked and advice and experiences were shared. This platform is designed to deliver both. The good the bad and the potential pitfalls that less experienced notaries may not see.

It’s like me asking my husband if I look okay in what I wear before going out to dinner. if I did not want his honest unfiltered opinion I would simply not ask.


Maybe you should reread my original question as it was never for anyones opinion but if there were any other auto-assign platforms.

Well my apologies to then for not reading your question correctly. I wish you a blessed day

FYI: @nineerclarke My post was directly to LindaH-FL


What companies besides servicelink auto assign?

Before I respond, what is your interpretation of “auto assign?” There is a misconception out there on what this feature is exactly, and want to make sure I respond appropriately. Thanks!

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You link your calendar and if you are available they simply assign it to you

EXOS and Xome. I haven’t received anything from them in a while, so you may want to check to see if this is still available through them.
To my previous post, some think that when a job goes out full blast by a SS company, and the first to accept it, gets it, is an auto assign. To me, it just simply means they don’t want to negotiate and want to hire the first notary accepting their initial fee.
Hope this helps!

Yes Service Link still does Auto assignments. I believe T365 uses Xome but they don’t auto assign. They send to one notary at a time and give you the chance to respond if you don’t it goes to another notary

Hi Dominique, can you explain to me what auto assign means? Im enrolled with Servicelink, but have no idea what auto assign means. I would appreciate it if you could break it down … or anyone else? :}

I won’t accept minimum level fees so I have not received any auto assigns in a while. If the orders are as valuable as they think, they can hop on a plane and do it themselves.

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