Anyone having trouble with FASS website?

I haven’t been able to log into the web portal - keeps coming up with an error code. Anyone else?

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Fass notary is down right now, not sure why I checked on the is it down for everyone or just
for me website and got the answer:

Is down?

It’s not just you! is down.

@jennjoneis Thank You for the status check update! :crown:


Here is the direct url for others to check on it:


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Yes the site went down yesterday about 11am and is still down today as of 5am PST. Hopefully NO hack, like Fidelity National Title.

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Tis the season for cyber hacking. Mentioned before I listen / watch CNBC Squawk Box while working in my office. This morning stated huge amount of cyber attacks last few days and many companies have felt the pain including Xfinity/Comcast and many more. Cybertechnology is a company that puts out many of these fires and then they get hired to maintain systems after attack. They anticipate AI will make it easier for hackers to keep attacking systems. Terrible for small business and people just trying to make a living.

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As of 5:25AM PST FASS is back up and running. Bring on the orders!!


I’m in Yuma AZ and it went down yesterday 12-21-23 and is still down. I’m trying to do scan backs and can’t get into the site to upload through the portal.

Navy federal credit union has a portal that docs can be uploaded to

First American was cyber-attacked last week. Just an FYI.

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