Are we being shown a way to fight "Low fees"

" Are Uber & Lyft drivers going on strike on Valentine’s Day?

  • Thousands of Uber, Lyft and DoorDash drivers planning to strike on Valentine’s Day for fair pay Thousands of drivers for ride-sharing platforms Uber, Lyft and food delivery app DoorDash are expected to go on strike across the United States on Valentine’s Day for higher wages." Printed 02/13/2024

They are independent contractors, just as we are too. I am not advocating forming a union. I just pointing out how they are using collective bargaining techniques towards Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash. Maybe there’s something to be learned from this event. What’s your thoughts?


Good luck with that idea. Getting all notaries on board with anything is like herding cats.


@cfletcher Solid concept. Supportive suggestion. As a business owner within this business sector for approximately a decade & half, I’ve seen kind, supportive individuals rise to the occasions endeavoring in this regard time & again . . . that inevitably resulted in repeated EPIC FAILS.

Not stating that it shouldn’t be tried once again. The person who chooses to spearhead it will need lots of tenacity & funding to boot.

Simply stating that @Arichter expressed it quite accurately & succinctly:



I’ve posted this on another thread but I’m doing so again because I believe there are larger obstacles in play against independent notaries and NSA’s. Since independents are not employees of a company, we’d be hard pressed for the NLRB to recognize our plight while attempting to unionize. Therefore, we’d be accused of “price-fixing/collusion,” which runs contrary to the Certified NSA Code of Conduct. That said, in “attorney closing states,” like MA, powerful lobbying groups have been well-organized and highly successful in convincing Legislators that NSA’s must be under their direct supervision when notarizing real estate closing doc’s despite the fact that NSA’s have been performing these very same services for decades without an attorney’s presence! How absurd since the attorneys are fully authorized to notarize the documents themselves without an NSA? Just Google MA General Laws, C. 222, §17(e) or worse, C. 222, §28(o) and read where the only potentially lucrative part of our business is exclusively in the hands of the attorney’s. The lobbying groups for the MA Bar, title companies, credit unions, banks, etc., were very, very successful at making sure their overlords in the MA House and Senate…and with the help of a number of the RON technology platforms, (see Making History in Massachusetts - Real Estate - Notarize | Notarize ), saw to it that the attorney’s bottom lines would be well protected. The effect on wet or RON administered real estate closings all but wiped out the need for NSA’s in MA. Even if independents were able to unionize and establish prices that reflected the recovery of their costs plus a reasonable profit, the powerful lobbies together with their attorneys have already discovered how to bypass them.

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First, unionization for LSAs is not the answer nor the solution. We are Notary Publics appointed as Public Officials by the states, secondly we are entrepreneurs (regardless of “side hustles”) trying to build a for profit business. Well at least most of us fit that picture, some people may agree and others may disagree with my premise. Jim Rohm stated, “in order for things to change, you have to change”. As a business owner, I pivot and shift to make a change. I identify the market trends and found a way to keep my revenue stable and growing.


I’m delighted for you and “stable revenue,” and a “for profit business,” are very subjective attributes depending on your personal expectations. That said, as a notary public on my eighth commission (50 plus years), artificial barriers do in fact exist and create a “gaming of the system,” in favor of those whose economies of scale from a financial flexibility and ability to influence the supply side standpoint, dwarf most independents (the “little guys”). Your ability to pivot is admirable but watch your Achille’s heel along the way.

It’s very admirable that you have 50 plus years experienced as a Notary Public, you have a wealth of knowledge to share about this industry. Yes, I must watch out for my “Achilles’ heel” along the way. The risk of failure is part of the process toward success. I can relate to the “small guy”, because I have not arrived yet myself. Thank you for your insight!


Protest low fees by NOT taking assignments. If enough Notaries follow through with protest, will have no choice but to increase fees. Similar to writers & actors strike. 1940’s Longshormen and Truck Drivers joined forces to fight low wages. Crippled shipping and created large unions. Notaries are not that large of a group but can still stage protest. Can you tell I was born in Berkeley CA and protested there during the 60’s. Shortly after that I became a Tenant’s Right Activist in CA and met with Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and other politicians. No large funds for these battles but tried to help other people. Teamsters actually joined some of protests.


I have given in to accepting those low fares because I am new and needed the experience. Yes, I’m guilty of taking $30 - $40 for loan mods. Of course, I’ve ended up in the negative just in mileage alone in most cases. I’m at the point where I’m about to hit marketing for independent contracts really hard. These signing services will never start paying decent fees because there are too many new notaries (like me) who are accepting those fees just to get the experience. I have counteroffered countless times and those assignments were not given to me. It’s like a dog chasing it’s tail. There is a strong likelyhood that we will not get enough notaries to join the banwagon.

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The reality is a “supply and demand,” issue at present. High mortgage rates and in many markets, low inventory, have tamped down real estate sales, refi’s and HELOC’s resulting in drastically reduced closings. Add the reluctance of those who have contemplated selling but have opted to keep their existing low rates. Large banks, title companies, escrow agents, to the extent needed, are using their internal notary staff or counsel. Combine that with an ever-growing supply of independent notaries and voila, prices for notary signings have been driven down…or better yet, prevented from rising to levels at which the notary’s costs can be covered while leaving a reasonable profit. In this present environment, there will 100 notaries behind everyone of us who say “NO,” to low fees.

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After reading your comment, I think that you have answered your own question on how to overcome low fees". You will get a bigger slicee of the “cake”, if you market your services direct to the lender/title companies. Good luck on your journey.


You make a valid point, may I add onto your comment. Let’s clearly understand, signing services are in business to make a profit too. If we choose to use their services, we are agreeing to their terms. We do not have to use signing services. We can find our own clients. Don’t misunderstand my point, I am not implying its easy to do. I am just pointing out, do your own marketing, sales, and client acquisitions. You will be able to get higher fees. Taking the path of least resistance, comes at a cost, such as using signing services.


Hi everybody ~ really like your comments. I am providing services for many different types of clients not just notary broadcasters of assignments. At times I really get ticked off at them and have to express my thoughts. No I don’t accept low ball offers and hold out for realistic offers and those people do reach out to me again often. I still get special requests for Fidelity approved notarizations and not many notaries in my neck of the woods are Fidelity approved. For those requests slight increase in fee. I know my market and continue to work part time and not full time. For those looking at this gig as full time job good luck. Again thank you for your comments. Cfletcher not in my DNA makeup to take path of least resistance ~ too much of Berkeley CA in 60’s flowing through my veins. :upside_down_face:

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Agreed. If only we would all stick together to stand up for the fees we deserve.

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Hi notaryties ~ I agree with your comment. We can all choose to be part of the solution or add to the problem. Personal choice if want to be part of the solution.


It would be nice if we were to stick together and say no to low fees. I decided I’m not taking any low fees anymore…point blank period! I refuse to be greedy and overcharge but I will no longer be underpaid!


I’m all for solutions. :slightly_smiling_face:

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