Arizona 1st Notary?

Just had a not so pleasant interaction with Arizona 1st Notary, now it has me wondering if they’re even legit. I’m curious how your experience was with them?

No experience (and she doesn’t seem to have much, considering that her website as a Notary Public serving many AZ counties started this year). You didn’t say what the unpleasant interaction was…care to enlighten us?

According to their website, they only service some Arizona counties. Are you in AZ or have they expanded?

I’ve never dealt with them so have no experience with them. Just out of curiosity, what was your unpleasant interaction scenario?

Yes, I’m in AZ. I signed up with them over the weekend. I tried to go to the site and update information today but don’t see where to access my profile, so I call the number

Guy answers and as I am explaining, he cuts me off to say they’re not hiring. He doesn’t understand what I am talking about because they’re completely staffed. At this point I’m feeling concerned and start to panic about where I may have sent my stuff to

I ask for an email to send a snippet of the website I am looking at that also has the number listed that I called…its the same number he answered. He continues with the yeah we’re not hiring so I don’t know what you’re looking at, and eventually hangs up.

I expected some level of professionalism and that’s not what I got. At this point I’m more concerned about the legitimacy of the company.

Interesting that the choice was to condescend and insult me instead of answering the question.

Hi adennison21 ~ I’m in WA these days I always check out vendor online prior to working with them in what ever state they are established. I work with a lot of different states when people moving from WA to AZ, TX, etc. This forum has a lot of information in search area that is handy. Good luck!!!

@adennison21 The Search Function @alice2uworld recommends (above) can be a bit challenging to localize . . .

Most members express that they find it difficult/NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to locate the Search Function in order to access the wealth of information available within the database.

To be helpful, I’ve inserted an image for you & others [see below] to help members locate it to unlock the wisdom & knowledge of other members on the forums.


Accessing the database to locate information about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . . :crown:


Thank you. I’ve used the search function for a variety of questions. I did a quick search using various spellings and found nothing on this topic here or in the google search so i went ahead and asked the question.

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I do a quick search on all the companies I sign up with, which is why this mans off putting demeanor caught me by surprise. I decided to try here to get more information on the company, however I am getting the feeling I wont find answers here either. Thank you!

Look on notary rotary web site they have a list of companies with comments from signers.

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I agree about search icon above. Simple fix would be to changed color of task bar. Wonder why that task is so difficult??

@alice2uworld Hmmm . . .

If I had a NICKEL for every time I’ve submitted a request for assistance with MODFICATION of the Magnifying Glass Color => I’d be a millionaire​:heavy_heart_exclamation::hibiscus::beach_umbrella:

A simple solution would be to BRIGHTEN the Magnifying Glass to provide more of a bas relief effect & dramatically improve visibility.

I previously kindly submitted a detailed easy fix suggestion to enable anyone new to the forum an easier time of locating the Search Function.

After a few years of submissions with “Thanks for Your Suggestion” responses . . . with no Forward Movement whatsoever . . . I finally asked Mike - hey, what’s up with the repeated submission requests for a minor color change (brightening) of the Magnifying Glass.

He said (to the best of my recollection):

  • it’s an old software application/platform
  • there are many “higher priority” items that are needed prior to this type of change
  • there are no funds for support of this type of change
  • with such an antiquated program there could be unintended negative/inadvertent consequences (or possibly disastrous results)

Ergo, the need to highlight to location of the Search Function for new Notary Cafe forum members on a recurring basis . . . UGH!


Thank you, I will check with them as well!

Wow did not know making change was such a big issue. Owner needs to find a kid that knows coding to make changes. My Granddaughter is 10 and already learning how to make web pages ~ kids are amazing.

Topic closed due to inappropriate personal attacks.

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