@kris8504 If that was the sole criteria utilized when a business entity searches for professional, certified, & experienced Professional Signing Agents [PSAs], that would definitively address your query; however, it’s not the only element that contributes to the rationale for their search/addition to their database of available, qualified PSAs . . .
That business entity is well-known for several components that create scenarios that are unwelcoming to the majority of professional PSAs nationwide:
- Extremely low Fees regardless of time & travel requirements with no Fee adjustments allowed
- Expectations of scan/faxback for FREE
- Extra-large document packages with no Fee adjustments allowed
- Etc.
NOTE: It would be in your best interest to jot down all of the expenses associated with performing the services you provide within your service region to determine a baseline operating cost. Then, at that point, you can calculate the fees that will generate a net profit to determine if you’ll have a Profit or sustain a Loss at that rate.
Need guidance with your calculations? Reference this thread: