Best Signing Companies

Thank you for the info!


I am still waiting to get approved. Looking forward to that.

That is NOT TRUE about X Marks the Spot signing service! I just completed a signing on November 18, 2023, and around 30 days after I contacted this agency saying that they would investigate about payment status. I contacted Missy and spoke to her twice 1- by phone, 2 by text and nothing was done, and No payment. It is now 50 days since 45 days was on Jan 2 with no payment. Called the lender who confirmed that payment was sent to X Marks the Spot 2 days after the signing was completed. I am VERY disappointed and frustrated to not have a sufficient response which is NOT PROFESSIONAL about payment. The order was sent on! I have sent the invoice and made multiple payment requests.I have been super patient and very nice and consistent with my contact with this company. I don’t understand why they won’t return my call/email/text? Or when they did recive payment to not pay me?

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I completely agree! Notary Rotary has been great to work with. Thanks for the info!

Notary2Pro is the best. You will learn…I highly recommend.

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I completely agree!

Every time I contact her she blames “accounting” and uses terms like “we”. I’m like “ma’am you’re a sole proprietor, there is no ‘we’ or ‘accounting department’”. It’s been over 45+ days and I’m still getting the runaround.

I will be contacting the title company and they will know what kind of person and faulty business practices that Missy engages in.

Xome became Title 365