CA Acknowledgment cross offs

The wording for CA Acknowledgments contains such phrases as “is/are, he/she/they, his/her/their, name{s}, etc”
I was recently dunned by title company for “Acknowledgments have cross offs w/o initialing” in loan package. I crossed out the ones that did not apply.
Has anyone seen this before? Would circling the right one be considered a cross off? I have seen where some notaries leave these untouched {like dual signings}.


One of the title companies that I work for told me just to leave them be (no cross offs or circles or anything) which is completely against the training I got, but I haven’t had any complaints, so I’m sticking with that recommendation. That being said, when I was originally trained to cross off, I was never told to initial it. If I had to initial it, I think I’d prefer to not even cross them out.

tongue firmly planted in cheek: Maybe certs should say ‘he/her/they, as applicable’.
Problem solved.

I always circle the pronouns. FYI I downloaded a copy of the 2024 handbook and they added a new paragraph to acknowledgments that makes it optional.