Clarify what fees can be added-State of Illinois

Asking for reassurance/clarification.
I am having a heck of a time understanding what you can charge for in Illinois. I’ll include the law below for reference but the standard is $5 max for traditional notarial act and $25 for electronic. This isn’t for a loan signing agent though.
So I have seen the file about how to set your fees and figure out your costs.
I guess where I get confused is what is okay to charge for and is it just about itemizing your bill?
Example if you made a bill that said $5 for notarized document but then added on travel cost, paper/office supply cost, etc, is that okay?
Is there a standard of how many miles traveled before you can start charging mileage?
The end of the fees sections says " complaints against the notary for violations related to accepting prohibited fees." But I haven’t been able to find what fees are prohibited.
Also the State of IL doesn’t require a separate certificate for LSA and also don’t see anything about appropriate fees.
I have the Illinois Notary Public Handbook but the section on fees is very limited.
Does anyone else know a resource to looking this up?

The law says:
Sec. 3-104. Maximum fee.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (a), the maximum fee for non-electronic notarization in this State is $5 for any notarial act performed and up to $25 for any notarial act performed pursuant to Section 3-102.
Fees for a notary public, agency, or any other person who is not an attorney or an accredited representative filling out immigration forms shall be limited to the following:
(1) $10 per form completion;
(2) $10 per page for the translation of a non-English language into English where such translation is required for immigration forms;
(3) $5 for notarizing;
(4) $3 to execute any procedures necessary to obtain a document required to complete immigration forms; and
(5) A maximum of $75 for one complete application.
Fees authorized under this subsection shall not include application fees required to be submitted with immigration applications.
(b) The maximum fee in this State up to $25 for any electronic notarial act performed pursuant to this Act. An electronic notary public may charge a reasonable fee to recover any cost of providing a copy of an entry
(e) All notaries public must provide itemized receipts and keep records for fees accepted for services provided. Notarial fees must appear on the itemized receipt as separate and distinct from any other charges assessed. Failure to provide itemized receipts and keep records that can be presented as evidence of no wrongdoing shall be construed as a presumptive admission of allegations raised in complaints against the notary for violations related to accepting prohibited fees.

It doesn’t address travel time/expense, office supplies, equipment, printing nor the time you spent doing whatever, so I assume they leave those decisions up to you…just itemize 'em. And be reasonable while showing a PROFIT. BTW, LSA is a made-up title.

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@Arichter the use of LSA still cracks me up and new notaries should not get confused about the term “closing agent”. Who is a title person.

Our title is notary public. That’s what goes on the Patriot Act Form and any notarization that requests our title.

Hear ya’. You can tell the oldies from the got onboard the money train from the 100K newbs by how they ‘title’ themselves… :wink:

Illinois notary here. I have a travel fee, and then I charge per notarization (typically 1-3) at $5 per notarization. So, I have preprinted invoices, that have my travel fee (it’s a minimum and then goes out after 10 miles) and then the $5/notarization, and I have a line item for that. That being said, that’s for my GNW work. For loan signing, in my experience, title or a signing service, isn’t getting down to the nitty gritty of how many notarizations are in a package, they typically do an all in price. So, if you know your expenses are $50 and you want to make $75, you’ll need to charge $125. You’ll want to adjust accordingly based on mileage and package sizes.

Yes sorry I have the disadvantage of being 40 years younger than you and tried to reach out for advise. Really so kind of you to help.
I’m not hung up on titles, I’m only wanting to make sure I’m following the law and don’t do something wrong because I take this seriously.
I have heard taking extra classes us basically a scam because it’s not a certification but I think there are still training classes to know the procedure.

@lktravis There are many scams to be wary of . . .

This is what is meant when we reference that “it’s a very small world” in this business sector.

Someone new can make an inadvertent (or simple) error on their initial few signings and VOILA! Their name is “out for publication” between & among lenders, title/escrow companies [T/ECs], etc. and those individuals are avoided for possible Signing Orders.

Another reason we advocate for ensuring you receive some professional, reliable, & trustworthy training (not YouTube) prior to accepting your initial Signing Order. Just looking out for your successful Business Launch!

As new members seek insights regarding launching their business, a Key Element to Success is providing themselves with an appropriate foundation and undergirding that will serve & support their business.

There are multiple factors to consider:

  • What is your background?
  • Do you have experience in Real Estate?
  • Do you have experience in Mortgage Lending?
  • Do you have experience in Banking?

Etc. ad nauseam . . . => just know that you’re launching a business and the onus is upon you to create the best foundation possible from the onset.


My personal experience:

When I initially started performing this work, I successfully completed MULTIPLE training/certification programs including Notary2Pro & NNA and many others. I have extensive experience in skill sets that require certification and recurrent evaluation tests; i.e., I’ve maintained my Project Management Professional [PMP] certification for more than 20 years. So, I understand what it usually entails and the elements that should be included within a comprehensive training program.

Regarding the NNA training specifically, it’s lacking across multiple topics & categories. Many NNA “graduates” choose to take additional training courses elsewhere, because they sense they’re insufficiently prepared. Their primer has errors throughout. Their hotline is less than reliable for accurate responses.

In my experience with undergoing the multiple training programs for certified notary signing agent [CNSA] certification, hands-down without question, Carol Ray’s Notary2Pro training programs are optimum in this industry. I’ve successfully completed ALL of the multiple training/certification programs that Carol offers through her company Notary2Pro. Her programs are thorough & detailed. These also prepare the business owner to operate a business. In addition, she offers Mentoring services. I found those to be excellent & INVALUABLE when I was initially starting out in this business sector. The prices are surprisingly reasonable. :white_check_mark:

I’ve professionally compared the training/certification programs available at Notary2Pro with the others I’ve successfully completed. The ONLY training/certification program I recommend is Notary2Pro.

A list of companies that hire Notary2Pro graduates (with minimal or no experience) is provided to successful course graduates. => This list is pure GOLD! Study up, refresh your notes, & let Carol know when your initial few signings are scheduled. She is a wonderful mentor & can be on standby in case you encounter difficulties or have questions during your first few signings. She’s the Best! Her support will help you Build your Confidence in providing this service. :trophy::white_check_mark:

In addition, Notary2Pro works diligently to keep this list up-to-date regarding vetting and viability. As we all know, some reliable clients can encounter financial difficulties and that, in turn, can negatively impact CNSAs directly.

Of course, your best bet would be to visit their website at , research, and make the choices appropriate for your situation. The training programs by Carol Ray are comprehensive & thorough. :sparkles::tada::sunglasses:

P.S. I receive no compensation or remuneration of any type or kind as a result of my first-hand experiential review above.

P.P.S. Unfortunately, Carol passed (February, 2022) from our earthly plane. I hope she Rests In Peace. I’m grateful to have made her acquaintance and studied under her tutelage.


ADDITIONAL NOTE: Here are 2 separate threads (see direct url links below) that will serve you well. Read them carefully & take notes. There is pure gold within these words . . .


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