Coast to Coast payment

Continuing the discussion from Coast2Coast Signings, Inc:

I not sure about Coast to Coast paying on time I been doing signings with them , and have outstanding invoices and got hold of the owner she mentions that she will get me caught back up and I still have not received anything yet

If you search there are a few discussions about them and the issues people have ran into with the company. I say keep reaching out to them especially if it is pass their term for payment.

I finally had to send an email quoting Coast to Coast signing payment guidelines (30days) and how this timeline was exceeded. I received a check the same day.

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I am having the same problem with them…payments are always late. I call and then receive a check. The crazy part is when you call they tell you they pay net 30 days well mine be 45 days late!!!

I just went through the EXACT same thing with them. They were late by almost a week. Not to mention when you do signings with them…they neglect to mention in said compensation part of contract that they use a 3rd party digital check site that charges you a fee to direct deposit to your acct. For a company that is ALWAYS under a decent signing fee, having to pay a fee to deposit a check for a job really pissed me off. So now any time I get a text about a job for them I decline unless they give me my actual fee for signing. Hasnt happened yet!