Coast2 Coast- & Nobile Notaries Lat low payment

Just wanted to update a 2024 experience. Did NOT get paid for 80 days!
Coast2coast sent me a signing FROM Nobile Notaries.
Coast2Coast is natories for offing VERY LOW pay. The only reason I accepted a low ball $30 sining threw them, FROM Nobile Notaries is because I was new and needed experience.

Now Nobile Notaries put me through all the hoops of setting up an account including ALL THE INFO they need to send me money and pay me. THEY NEVER DID!
The only reason I ended up getting paid, (80 DAYS LATER!) is because I think Coast2Coast is paying for their mistake.
Im not totaly sure but I reached out to NOBILE Notaries and they did not do anything to send payment and it was Coast2Coast who responded by sending an irritating digital check that i have to jump through more hoops for!

If I want my money I have to create ANOTHER account threw some sight i dont know, and that sight will then charge $5 just to deposit my $30!
If i dont want to create an account it states I can print the check and phisicaly take it into my bank. Im just over this kinda Bull****. I refuse to work for any company that can not pay me within AT LEAST 3 days of the signing!

If they can’t then they can pay me intrest on my money that they are borrowing from me.

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Better find a real job if you expect 3 day pay. 3 days would qualify as a unicorn in this biz. I doubt C2C paid you–they’re just another middleman.


80 days? waiting for $30.00? You are an strange kind of NSA!
What an experience gained!


Please raise the bar for yourself if you expect to be profitable SOON. You can make more money with a fast food job!


In 8 years experience there are only one or two signing companies that will pay in three days. The only companies that have paid me within three days are site inspection companies, and not all of them either. By the way, if you find you haven’t been paid for a signing, ask for the money. If that company is still in business there is a 75% chance they will either send you proof that they paid you or pay. I have been paid for an assignment over a year after it was completed.

This is the letter I received from them!

To our Esteemed Notary Partners, your role is crucial to us.

We are writing to inform you of the delay in issuing the notary payments. Earlier this year, we switched accounting systems, changing how we process notary bills. Recently, due to a system shutdown, we had to manually enter and send notary bills, causing a delay in our payment issuing. We are issuing notary bills for May 2024 and plan to begin making payments for June invoices within a few weeks.

We are working diligently to have our automated systems recovered by the end of August to eliminate our delay in issuing payments. We are also excited to introduce the option of receiving your notary payments via ACH, which will streamline the payment process and provide more flexibility. Stay tuned for the launch date for this option.

We understand how challenging these times are for industry professionals, and this technical issue adds to your stress. We value our partnership and will continue to provide transparency as we work diligently to resolve the delay. We apologize for the delayed response from our accounting department, as our staff is working overtime to send individual updates. We promise to work to get all overdue payments to our notary vendors up to date, and we appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding.

With thanks,

Coast2Coast Signings Inc.

Executive members

Lisa Bittner

Virginia Echiribel

Eli Echiribel

I think that you will find that most clients (particularly the middlemen companies) will have in their terms and conditions which you have to accept to work with them that you will get paid between 30-45 days, depending on how/when they process payments. I got the same message as @liznatl did recently from Coast2Coast. I have been doing signings for them for the past 4+ years. They have historically paid at the 30-45 day mark but recently it has become more like 60 days.

If it less than your GNW price then counter in the future.

Coast2Coast has always been “sketchy” with their policies but one thing I’ll say for them is that they do pay notaries what they have agreed to pay them. Eventually. It may not be as much as you’d like or as soon as you’d like, but they do pay. That has been my experience with them. I will also say that I haven’t taken any work from them in quite a while because they don’t offer fees compatible with my goals or my experience but I’m just saying that it’s a legit company and as long as you play by their rules, you will get paid whatever amount they agreed to pay you.

It normally takes about a two weeks or a month, to have payment deposited into your account. It depends on the company.

Finally got my payment this month September for a job I did back in June! I had to stay consistence with WHERES MY MONEY
 guess they got tired and finally paid me.

@liznatl CONGRATULATIONS :tada::white_check_mark: & Thank you for returning to the Notary Cafe forum with your payment update!


Accessing the database to locate information about potential clients has saved many of us an inordinate amount of time ‘chasing’ payments for Services professionally provided to potential non-payers . . . :crown:


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