Comments no longer needed

This is for JOHN M…I’m going to keep this professional,from this day forward, please don’t comment on any of my post bc this is not social media like Instagram or Facebook for pleasure, it’s a business forum to me. So, no your 2 cents or passive aggressive behavior is not needed!! Enjoy your day. Thank you. Keep it moving.

Thank you Susanna, I realized it after it was posted.

I was very respectful in my advice to you. I have been a broker for more years than you’ve been alive. My real estate company has Realty as part of my name. If you came in to my office and spelled part of my company name wrong…I would correct you and i’m betting you pronounce it as you spelled it.

Sir, your message was condescending. I’m open for constructive criticism but certainly not condescending behavior! It’s unfortunate that you did not get a chance to read the other members comments on this mistake. Their comments was a “respectful correction”. I imagined us having this very conversation in person and it’s certainly condescending behavior. I will not speak again on this. I definitely realize the mistake and own it.

I congratulate you on the offer of employment. I think it’s a gold mine regardless of the amount per hour. Your ability to be trained by the realtor(s), and work directly with the agents will be worth much more than what you’d get from traditional marketing in this business. Additionally, since the order of operation has the Real Estate Agent at the top of the food chain who then gives work to the brokers or sometimes the other way around and they then hire the Title companies, who in turn hire you; you can make valuable relationships with the top of the food chain who can force the title companies to use you. As they all get to know you, your business will explode. So I would totally take the job!!!

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Exactly…(need 20 letters to post)

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Preach!!! :clap:t5::clap:t5::clap:t5: My sentiments exactly. The real movers and shakers of the business world make it happen despite the odds.

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Amen…thank you. I will reach back out to title and accept the offer. The offer was extended if I was ever interested after turning them down to pursue my business. Unfortunately, after learning the reality of this business, I have to reconnect. Especially being a newbie in this business.

Good for you and while you’re doing it just remember that their way of doing things will be different from what others may want, so keep an open mind when you work for others. However, as you work for this one make sure you understand their instructions and do exactly what they want. This will be the key of building your relationships and as they ALL talk to each other, they will be speaking positively about you, which in turn will bring you more and more TITLE work, which is the key to making the big bucks in this business.


Sir, I applaud YOUR immediate success in this business, but while your success is greatly dependent upon your abilities and determination, it is also very much dependent upon your available local market share. Not everyone entering this market in their area may have enough market share available to them to earn the type of income you’ve made in a very short amount of time.

Some people may have to build their brands within their area(s). It’s obvious to me that your success is NOT the norm for this business. Again, I applaud your success, but I’ve been in this business since Feb. 1 this year and I’ve only completed 200+ signings, which is much less than your 500 and you started a month after I did. That doesn’t mean that I’m lazy, or incompetent. There are a number of variables such as number of signings offered, the fees that will be accepted for them, the amount of time available to do those signings per day etc…

I understood your simplistic view of ‘Why pay $4K to start a business only to take a $17 an hour job’. At first blush, I understand your position because it makes sense. However, if you viewed your success as NOT being the norm, then you would use a different lens to see her situation differently from yours.

I believe that if she follows what they teach her, and continue to take other assignments, she has the ability to earn $7K or more per month. Additionally, she may end up having completed more closings in the next 6 months than you and I put together. That’s why I believe this position is a gold mine for her. Maybe not in the first month, but over the next 5 months her business will explode, and she will be known with the Title companies and not just the SS companies who pay much less.

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You are absolutely correct that market plays a big factor but I have also seen first hand many unwilling to put in the work. I have also seen many successful at the same time. I don’t know what is classified as the norm as everyone on this journey has their own path. Many do not want to invest in the education to be successful. They jump in without a clue and usually fail while others spend money and time learning how to do this correctly. It doesn’t matter what course you take as all will teach you the basics. To invest in oneself is to take a chance. There is no right or wrong in her decision. I personally think after investing so much in herself she owes it to herself to take that chance. Those $17 an hour jobs will always be there. As for my signings vs yours that could come down to market or availability, distance or money. Good luck on your journey I wish you much success in this business and in life.

Thank you sir. I wish you well also.

Thank you much for your advice, really appreciate it :+1:t5:

Id take the job, This job isn’t consistent. Some weeks im so slow and some weeks slamming but honestly if your area has a lot of notaries, its then a huge competition on who hit the accept button first.setting up a biz isnt cheap! You can set your own hours omg can i have it, I want to learn more about the procedure.