I’ve been requested to do a “door knock” for a client who is involved in something relating to insurance. The only documents I have been given is a letter to the client and a contact information page. I reached out to the signing co. and the response I got was “If that’s all they sent that must be all they need” Am I supposed to notarize the contact info paper? Add a jurat? When I look at the order it says legal document 1 notarization.
If that’s what the company that hired you told you - that’s all they need. I’ve been contacted by a company that wants field visits to deliver letters but the fees are so low I don’t bother.
Do either of those documents have notarial wording on them? Is the recipient of the letter signing anything? Who fills out the contact info form?
It’s great that you asked for clarification. Field assignments are different then performing loan signings. Key thing to remember, if you do not see any notarial verbiage on the document, most likely there’s nothing to notarize. With that being stated, there are times for the use of a loose certificate. For instance, the notarial verbiage in the notarial block doesn’t comply with your state’s statutes. If that happens, you contact the hiring party convey the situation and get their permission to add a loose certificate. Also ask them what type of notarial act do they want performed? It been my best practice to never assume anything, so I always ask questions.
No notarial wording on either document. The instructions stated that if this person answered the door they were to fill paperwork out. All the signing co gave me was a letter from the insurance co to this individual and a blank random contact info page for him to fill out if he answered. But reading the instructions from the insurance co it seems they wanted an affidavit signed and notarized. I didnt get this paperwork
Okay then, IMO I would reach out to hiring party again and ask about the affidavit requested by the insurance company as you did not receive an affidavit. Maybe you got someone on the phone the other day who didn’t know, didn’t care, or both. If you get the same answer, get that answer in writing and just go with what you have…lack of an affidavit is now on SS’s shoulders. Keep good notes
Good Luck