Days of Closings Past!

I may be a transplant to Texas soon (Tyler). But I won’t be doing signings… we wi see


Wish I can move to Texas…………


Tyler is a bit of a closed community for those with no roots in the area. “If you ain’t from here, when will you be moving back”.

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Everybody wishes they were a Texan…Yipeeee Yehaaaa. :cowboy_hat_face:

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I’m okay with that in my personal life I am very anti social :joy::joy::joy::joy:

Just for fun I looked up NSAs on in my area(Maryland)
Within 20 miles 266
Within 50 miles 1,000+

I’d only be concerned if I had no direct clients. Then I’d still be taking $85-$100 signings, it would just be less revenue and I’d be back to watching my phone like a hawk, which is mentally draining.

Do what others won’t do if you want different results. Marketing direct to title, lenders and realtors every single week until you’re diversified enough it doesn’t matter the market conditions.


I wouldn’t bother if the fee is less then $100, it’s a waste of time. If I was a signing service I would be happy if people took the $85-$100 it means less capital and more profit margins.

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I would if I had no direct clients and my other option is $0, lol.
At $85 my gross profit is 80%
At $150 g.p. is 85-90% or higher.


Ok, so I was searching around and saw one of the NSAs who took Mark Wills SS business training class making $100,000 a month! Wow! That’s my dream! Sky is the limit if you are proactive, persevere, focus and most importantly believe in yourself. So inspiring to see a six-figures NSA, went on to own a $100,000 a month SS business. Amazing!

That’s Robin Schmidt in Colorado, definitely the largest SS owner of our group so far
It’s all there if you’re willing to go get the business consistently. Just takes time and hustle.

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Don’t you love being an NSA? I do. This job is such a blessing. What I love best is the freedom.


Life changing, absolutely

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God is good, amazing. I have zero debt from this job. :pray:


Mark Wills, millionaire maker, Awesome! wonderful! Marvelous! Exellent!..

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So are you his student?

I’m thinking about taking his course on how to launch your own signing service business:)

Yes, I took his course and train the DMV(DC, MD, VA) notaries monthly with in-person meetups or zoom.
The SS course is excellent, I used it when I started mine. You also get access to the other LSS SS owners in our specific fb group which is very helpful when starting.

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One of the main reasons is that the news notaries take any low offer in order without any acknowledgment of the expense and the consequence to the business.

Honestly, more power to those who are willing to book their schedule with the $62 closings and printing twice for 200 plus pages so I can keep doing the $150-$180 closings especially for today! :grin::pray:

This one is cream of the crop.

Print 1 set 29 pages, 1 signer, no scan back, 24 minutes drive one way. Client signed so fast. Took me 12 minutes to complete for $179. :pray:

Heck no! I am not "student " of anybody!

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