DocMagic Certified

Is anyone on here using DocMagic? I recently received an email from Signature Closers asking if I was DocMagic Certified, so I looked into it. I see “DocMagic” printed on the bottom of many of my documents in loan closings, and since I do a lot of work for Signature Closers, and I’m a RON in Indiana, I thought this might be a good thing. I had to call DocMagic to get anywhere, and the guy I spoke with gave my information to the person in charge of onboarding. I immediately received an email from her to follow a bunch of steps, etc. Thus far that process seems confusing, and at one point I saw a fee of $399! If you’re DocMagic certified can you fill me in? How does this work? How much have you paid? Are you using it through a signing service or other company?


Not a clue. But $399 fee? In this slow market? With a generally lowball co. involved? If you figure out what this is, please let us know!


You have to go to another platform to sign up for DocMagic. Called Insight. You will see a place there for free. There is no charge.

Been a member since January. Every 45 days you have to re-certify.

Got the same email as you did, like 1000’s of other notaries did.


What you you signing up for? What does DocMagic do for notaries? What’s the $399 for and how often?
(Yes, I know many edoc pkgs. have DocMagic at the bottom, but don’t understand what the signing up does.)


If you want to do RON signings with Signature Closers that’s what you have to do. Again there is no charge. Be sure to read that section carefully.

Some title companies use DocMagic for their RON signings.


I’d like to be able to do RON closings for Signature Closers.

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Yes, I got down to the final “page,” and that’s where it asked for my CC # for the $399. I obviously didn’t pay it. I’m still trying to finish the process, but DocMagic is hard to reach. Did you do it? I guess there is a training in order to get certified. Hope that’s not the $399!

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But did you also take the training and become DocMagic Certified?

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Doc Magic is a guy’s name. His son, RON and he split the $399 and go to the casino where they do signings for little elderly ladies who sign their trusts over to them. (Somebody said this is a scam, but I’m not so sure :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)


There is training involved and no you don’t have to pay.


Yes I am certified and you can’t contact DocMagic only title companies. Once your assigned you give them your code, etc

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It’s not a scam. It’s legitimate.

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DocMagic has been a vital part of the mortgage industry for many years. Escrow’s back office so to speak. They don’t hire notaries but it helps to know how to use their Apps.


@lindamlockman its a pretty simple process. If you still need help i can walk you through it.


Hello, I also received the email. I went to secureinsight and also encountered the $399 fee. If you’re able to help it would be greatly appreciated.

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I see the $399 when i go through secureinsight as well. Does anyone have the correct link?

Send me an email and I’ll help!

I received an email from Secured Insight that had the codes. I have not done anything with it because DocMagic isn’t an approved RON vendor for my state. I tried finding out of if they were in the approval process but no one has gotten back to me.

Is the RON platform actually DocMagic? Or are they using another platform?

Does anyone have the codes to sign up for secure insight? I receive the same email as well.

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