Email Scammers Pretending to be Signing Service

I feel compelled to make you aware of numerous emails that I keep receiving and they are scams. They use commonly known signing services that we are familiar with and ones that are not familiar. The last one I received stated it was from Docusign.

It usually says "Your document has been completed. Then there’s a box under the above stated comment that reads “VIEW COMPLETED DOCUMENTS”

Be careful before clicking on any links from suspicious emails. I know you are already aware of this but it doesn’t hurt being reminded.

Create a Great Day.


Oh yes! I got a bunch in quick succession last week. I will post screenshots. Watch those clicks!

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If you currently don’t have an open assignment or order with that vendor name or client name just consider it spam and market as such.
These scammers are trying to install malware to get access to any documents and files you have on your computer.



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