Email template to escrow & title companies

Does anyone have an email template to share that we can sent to escrow and title officers to request business?

Thanks in advance


I’m not really sure I understand what you’re asking for.

Thank you for reaching out.

I want to send an email to escrow and title companies introducing myself and requesting business, but I don’t know exactly how I should word my email to request notary/loan signing business where it doesn’t sound random.

[quote] I want to send an email to escrow and title companies introducing myself and requesting business, but I don’t know exactly how I should word my email to request notary/loan signing business where it doesn’t sound random

This is not something where you can use a template. You need to create your own letter with your own qualifications, background, and why you want to work for them. It’s a marketing tool to sell yourself to the title companies.


Dear << >>

I would like to introduce myself. My name is << >> and I am a Notary Public and Signing Agent in “state”.

list qualifications or previous background experience here

For your reference, I serve the following areas: “service area” - (counties, cities as it fits)

Please let me know what is required to be included in your database of approved Notary Signing Agents.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me via email or via telephone at “telephone number”



I didn’t indicate that I was looking for employment.

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Thank you so much for your help. Greatly appreciated.

I’m confused. You originally said:

If you are requesting business, aren’t you requesting to work for them?

No. To work for someone is to become an employee of the company. We’re independent contractors so we work for ourselves. We just look for business with the company.


Now I understand. We’re splitting hairs. :wink: :slight_smile:

I’m an independent contractor as well, as many notaries are, but I do work for companies. That does not mean I’m their employee, it just means I’m doing jobs for them- hence, I’m working for them (even if it is as an independent contractor). Anyway, this the understanding in which these replies were provided. :slight_smile:

Linda’s example is perfect. It’s similar to what I use when marketing. Just put yourself and your skills out there. :slight_smile:

Good luck, and I’m sure you’ll do fine!

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Thank you for your help.

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The only way I have found to request business from the escrow officer, was to find out who work in the office and call to make an appointment about 10 minutes is all you need. Them go meet them face to face telling them about yourself and why they should give you a chance.


This is 2022 and see that this thread is from YEARS ago. I appreciate this template as it is now of useful tool for me. Thank you Linda for posting this sample in 2017 :slight_smile:


Can someone share the escrow verbiage template with me?

You represent the title and the lender as a contract mobile signing agent.
So - we’re independent but are under contract and working for who hired us.

I’ll also mention blackballed me just for returning a business card with a package that went to Title. They said that was going direct and against their policies. Not sure if that still happens but some signing services can be that way.