Finally got paid

Continuing the discussion from National Loan Closings any one else have non-payment issues with this company:

I’ve done signings for them for several years, they have always been slow to pay. I did a signing for them 29 July 16 and after months of sending faxes, e mails and phone messages, with no reply, I sent a message to the scheduler that contacted me and demanded my issue be address by the end of business that day. A short time later I got a message from He berates me for “Threatening to go to the lender” will result in my profile beingg fully terminated. He also goes on to say that "I should talk to clients with respect. I am sending him 4 pages of complaints from notaries that would like the respect of being paid.

My gut response would be “pay me and remove from your list”. If you aren’t getting paid, why would you want to stay on their list? I have notes on my caller id with slow/no payors and I simply don’t answer them anymore. I have also blocked a couple of them so I don’t have to deal with them.