Following Instructions Makes a Difference

Had a scheduler from a title company call me requesting availability for a sellers package and a different buyers package.

I was asked to be sure to provide a copy of the documents for the signer. I was asked to be sure to refer the signer to the title agent with any specific questions.

I responded, of course because I always do that.

Apparently the title company has been dealing with notaries who do not take the signer a copy of the documents which is why that title company now includes the instructions in BOLD. And they’ve had notaries answering questions when they should be referring them to the title officer.

So it doesn’t matter what your state law is. If instructions say to print two copies that’s what you better do.

This title gal was in California and told me I’m on their companies preferred list of notaries because I always ask instead of guessing and signers say nice things.

It matters. Also - had signers put a refinance signing off for a week after they reviewed the documents the loan officer sent them at their request. The company that hired me called and said “Did you email them the documents?” I said no I never do that. After they verified I didn’t do that they paid a print fee and hired me for the new appointment in a week.

Always ask the people involved in the transaction. Just thought I’d mention it. I wondered why I was getting more requests from that title company - it’s nice to be validated once in a while.

ALSO - bold instructions included NEVER SHRINK pages to fit letter size paper - some states will not allow Deed of Trust to be filed on anything other than legal size paper. Print according to original size always.

Have a great day.

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And always check after documents are printed that the print on the sides/top/bottom isn’t cut off when you use the actual size option in the printer properties. I write the page numbers down that are cut off, then check to see how the downloaded pages look. Sometimes, they really are cut off and there’s nothing I can do. If the print has gone too far into the margins to be printed, I print those pages again using the fit to page size option instead of actual size option. It is frustrating when document producers do not ensure that what they want to be printed actually will print.


I have even had to call hiring companies before to say “your original file cuts off - it’s not me”.

Sometimes docs preparers get sloppy. If a page is already cut off I make sure to get that in writing to the hiring company.