Getting Business from Loan Originators

Can Notary Loan Signing Agents get business from Loan Officers? If yes, how do they go about it? Please share any comments and experiences.
Thank you.


loan signing system has a script just for this check it out


We just took over the mortgage company’s office next door to ours after they did a midnight move-out and stiffed the landlord for six months’ rent. There were 4 loan officers working there who are probably selling used cars now.


Loan and Title officers are losing their jobs. We/ve had several TCs in Central Texas close their doors. Keep in mind there are many NSAs knocking on doors trying to cold business. Market indicators are such the Loan Officers are pushing the burden for selecting NSAs on to the Title Cos. In my area TC’s are telling NSAs to stop showing up without an appointment as they have their own Notaries. This is what’s happening in my region, your results may very.


Sounds like they were mortgage brokers.

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